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Editing languages and 403 error | Forum

Iain Mar 11 '13
I know there are numerous posts about this, but none with a solution.

When I'm browsing the language section and hit update, the changes are made (so this rules out an issue with my webhost). If I search for a value, make the changes and hit update, I'm hit with a 403 error.

I've changed /ow_pluginfiles/admin/languages to be 777 and the export,  import, tmp directories are empty.

I have the default .htaccess file and oxwall is installed in my root directory
There is no /admin directory on my server.

Any suggestions anyone?
Alia Team
Alia Mar 11 '13
Iain, can you make sure that 'export', 'import' and 'tmp' folders also have 777 permissions?
Iain Mar 12 '13
Yeah, export, import and tmp are all 777 too
Alia Team
Alia Mar 13 '13
Iain, that is strange.
So you do changes in languages. Changes get saved ( wording on front end changes) BUT the 403 error is thrown.

Can you check with your hosting company  ( just to be 100% sure) that nothing is being blocked in yousitename.com/admin/languages URL on their end?