No, not illegal or legal drugs! I'm talking about prescription drugs. I have Type 2 diabetes and a pacemaker because I have what's called a heart block, which is poor electrical signals between the valves of my heart. The pacemaker regulates my heart's electrical signals. What I'm wondering about are the prescriptions I have to take. I take metformin, lisinopril, metoprolol, simvastatin, hydrochlorothiazide, and Jardiance. I have a feeling one or more of these drugs are the reason I never get nervous when playing golf. For example, my preshot and preputt routine consist of assessing the situation, picking a target, taking my stance, and pulling the trigger. No nerves. I seem to remember back in the 1990s that there was some kind of controversy on the Tour about beta blockers, but it died out shortly after. I suspect one of these drugs causes me to not be nervous.