Why post it here? Not in wall.fm forum?
My personal opinion.
1) May I know where does in the oxwall main page, its mentieond that wall.fm is free? I could not find any such text.
2) As far as I know wall.fm was free, atleast with some basic features.
3) Moreover its there business. If you are not okay with that, don't use.
4) If you still think Oxwall is promoting themeself by Wall.fm, who does not do self-promotion, as its happening in this post?
Wow, you're the one who writes the awesome plugins! I already bought two of them. Keep up the great work!!!!
Please note, Wall.fm is the independent, commercial project from the separate company. Oxwall Foundation isn't responsible for business. It's listed on the site as a hosted version of Oxwall for those who can't be bothered with buying hosting accounts, installing software and stuff. And frankly, those are the majority.
As we know, they applied a new pricing policy last time. I have updated info about wall.fm on the site index due to this changes, to avoid any users confusion.