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Need help with a new plugin | Forum

Mario Carriere
Mario Carriere Mar 16 '13

I wrote a new plugin that allows a user to select the privacy settings of is photo album independently. So a user could have one album for everyone, one for is friend and one private...

My plugin is base on the fact that in the photo database, there is a privacy parameter...

So my plugin change this parameter on every photo in the selected album. This work when I go to the ''browse photo page''. I have created three albums with a user, one album for everybody, one for friend and one private. If i use a other account that is not ''friend'', only the ''for everyone'' pictures appears.

My problem is when I visit the profile page... The album widget does not seem to check the privacy parameter of the pictures in the album so it show every album and if I click on a album i can see the pictures even if I'm not suppose to.

So after digging into this for a few days, the only solution I see is to try to modify the photo plugin wich I would prefer not to.

I'm would need such a plugin for my site but i'm also using this project to learn more about plugin developpement. If this is feasible, I want to give the plugin free.

So my question is: do I understand the privacy check of the album widget correctly and if I do, is there a way around it without modifying the photo plugin?


Michael I.
Michael I. Mar 27 '13
I am sorry, but currently there is o option to add a check for the widget, so probably your own widget creation would help you with resolving the problem.
Mario Carriere
Mario Carriere Mar 27 '13
Thanks Michael!

I'm putting this to my project list!
