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Have you had to have your wisdom teeth removed? | Forum

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John Mar 22 '24
I'll be getting my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday, and I'm kinda nervous. I am a french horn player, so I'm scared that once I remove them, my playing will be different, or something during the procedure might go wrong, and I'll never be able to play again. I know the risks are low, but still, the anxiety is there.

Have you had your wisdom teeth removed? Feel free to share your stories and tips for healing, as I will definitely be needing tips to heal very quickly.
Alex Marks
Alex Marks Mar 23 '24
I don't know a lot about french horn embouchure, but the third molars are pretty far back. I think you'll be okay on that front!
Being nervous before a procedure is normal and in my opinion healthy. It's the people who don't have any ounce of fear that I think we need to watch
Claudette Leanna
Claudette Leanna Mar 23 '24
I had my wisdom teeth out last year, and I was pretty nervous, too, especially since I played guitar and was worried about how it might affect my fingerpicking. But honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Sure, there was some discomfort afterward, but nothing unbearable. Just take it easy, follow your dentist's advice, and you'll be back to playing your French horn in no time. As for tips, I found that sticking to soft foods like smoothies and mashed potatoes helped a lot during the healing process. Hang in there. You've got this! And if you ever need a dentist who's great with kids, check out Kids' Dental Phoenix. If you want to, you can check them at thekidsdentalofficeofphoenix.com