I will see what i can do in the mean time as a temp fix. Even with adding special meta tag in the settings area we are still left with this on page source..
<meta name="keywords" content="openwack, free software, open source software, community software, open source community software, free community software, open source social networking software, free social networking software, php, mysql" />
And that is not quite fair to the owner of the site. I will look into a temp fix and update this post.
This should be a temp fix for the meta keyword dups..
open ow_core/application.php
about half way down the page you will see this code:
if ( $document->getKeywords() === null )
$document->setKeywords($language->text('nav', 'page_default_keywords'));
Change it to show this:
if ( $document->getKeywords() === null )
//added to make meta keywords random
//you can change these array element keyword names to what you want
// be sure you use enough (min 20) keywords so we get a good random cycle.
//these are my keywords to test this, you need to change these
$mykwarr = array("anorexia","dating","eating disorder social","online social","online dating","anorexia support","anorexia love","anorexia romance","anorexia dating","anorexia making love","anorexia community","eating disorder community","eating disorder dating","eating disorder romance","romance","mingle","find match","share photos","chatroom","blogs"); //20 keywords
//we are displaying 5 keywords each time, which is a good mix
$myrandom_keyword = array_rand(array_flip($mykwarr),5);
// orig code commented out
// $document->setKeywords($language->text('nav', 'page_default_keywords'));
}//close if get keyword null
save and refresh your page.. :)
if ( $document->getKeywords() === null )
$document->setKeywords($language->text('nav', 'page_default_keywords'));
With this
if ( $document->getKeywords() === null )
$document->setKeywords($language->text('nav', 'page_default_keywords'));
Change it to show this:
if ( $document->getKeywords() === null )
$mykwarr = array("Bazm-e-Urdu","Urdu Social Network","Urdu Forum","Urdu Blogs","Urdu Poetry","Urdu Font","Allama Iqbal Poetry","Urdu Shairy Ghazal","Urdu Books Free Download","بزم اردو سوشل نیٹورک","اردو شاعری","اردو محفل کہانیاں ","اردو فورم","Urdu Islamic books","مفت اردو کتابیں","Urdu Writers and poets forum","اردو ویڈیو تصاویر","share photos","chatroom","blogs"); //20 keywords
$myrandom_keyword = array_rand(array_flip($mykwarr),5);
if ( $document->getKeywords() === null ) { $document->setKeywords($language->text('nav', 'page_default_keywords')); }
if ( $document->getKeywords() === null )
$document->setKeywords($language->text('nav', 'page_default_keywords'));
Change it to show this: