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Problem with cron | Forum

Adriane Mar 28 '13
could solve the problem with cron, my system did not send any email to users, and now he will not stop sending are already over 100 message board in your inbox with the same content, what should I do?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
There is some mis-configuration with the cron.

Alia Team
Alia Apr 1 '13
Adriane, to stop CRON sending out "unsent"  outdated emails go to the database>>find ow_base_mail table>>clear the list.
Adriane Apr 1 '13
Just found this table ow_base_email_verify` I clean it
Adriane Apr 1 '13

Ok, found it! Thank Aliia, the problem was solved!

Happy Easter delayed

Francis Apr 4 '13
Hi, i have the same problem with my massive mailing? How know witch CRON is mis-configured?

If i deactivate all my plug-in, and reativate after, can it working? Or i need to uninstall all plug-in?

For information, my CRON jobs working each 6 min, this can explain bug? But at beginning of my website all was okay, this bug appear after i m install many plug-in ...

Thanks for your Help

Alia Team
Alia Apr 4 '13
Francis, if emails are being sent - this is a good sign. Means that CRON is working.

Can you explain your issue in more details?
What kind of emails are you keep getting ?
What kind of plugins are you using?

Emails are not being sent all day and at certain hour a lot of them are being received?

Alia Team
Alia Apr 4 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.