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Is there any way to filter news feed? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Andrei Apr 1 '13
I mean to choose getting news feed just from friends / person that I follow.

like this:

Alia Team
Alia Apr 1 '13
Andrei, we already have similar feature.
But it is implemented in a different way.

On the main newsfeed ( your homepage) users see ALL activity.
On the newsfeed on user's dashboard  user sees only those activities that are related to him.
Andrei Apr 1 '13

related to him doesnt mean friends of him, or people that he follows, it means actions that he's involved in, so friends or followed people's activity not showed on this page, right?

and ALL activity means a chaos of all users activity, and you may consider that some people aren't interested about others, so why should they see something that they dont want to?

so, how can I transform that ALL activity in friends or followed people activity?

I mean, like on facebook, it shows you activity of friends, or liked pages, or followed artist, not ALL activity.

Andrei Apr 3 '13
Alia Team
Alia Apr 3 '13
>>related to him doesnt mean friends of him, or people that he follows, it means actions that he's involved in, so friends or followed people's activity not showed on this page, right?

"Related to him" means actions of his friends, activity within user's groups, created events...and etc. Basically actions related to the content posted by this user.

You can just remove the newsfeed widget from main page.
Make user's dashboard page a landing page ( when user logs in he lands on his dashboard). And on dashboard user will see only activity that is related to him.