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index/dashboard widgets update question | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Joseph Apr 1 '13
I am wondering what this intells "Allow to control permissions for index/dashboard widgets"

does this mean we can set the widgets for user roles or what?

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Apr 30 '13
yes you can also set if a guest can see only guest/logged in user or both can see the widget 
Joseph Apr 30 '13
yeah I got that after it was released lol although if you set a widget to only be viewed by basic users premium users will still see it that sucks cause I want to make boxes that support users upgrading and they wont see em once they make a purchase
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Apr 30 '13
ok sorry i was not much help in answering you question 
Joseph Apr 30 '13
its ok thanks though