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User Compatibility Meter | plugin

User Compatibility Meter

7 images
Last updated Apr 4 '21
Published Jan 7 '19

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Plugin title User Compatibility Meter
Item published Sumate
Category Dating, Interface
Price $12
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
(Support roles system)
Add a function in the profile of users and allow them to see the compatibility they have with other users, for example user A enters user profile B, user A can see how compatib...
(Support roles system)
Add a function in the profile of users and allow them to see the compatibility they have with other users, for example user A enters user profile B, user A can see how compatible it is with user B.

-Can change the colors of the percentage in the administration menu.

-It supports the Roles system, if the user is not allowed by the role system, then a message will be displayed, the default message asks the user to upgrade their account, this message can be changed from the language panel.

-This plugin will increase the activity of your users, it will become a game to be able to know how compatible you are with another person. This will be something great for your premium users.

The plugin is based on the comparison of names and user ids.

-Now it is possible to share the percentage you have with another user in the neewsfeed

Free and paid plugins, plus a lot of documentation: https://owspain.com/
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Customer reviews


nice plugin a little bit more functions but I hope that comes :-)

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 2 people

Jan 8 '19

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