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UserInfo | plugin


50 images
Published Jun 14 '20

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Plugin title UserInfo
Item published Patricia Zorrilla
Category Dating, Utilities
Price $50
Compatible with 1.8.4
Demo page somoscd.es/testsite
License OSCL
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This plugin has many functions.
For members it allows:
* Date of registration and date of last connection, date and reason for the suspension
* List of members that use the same IP, date of last ac...
This plugin has many functions.
For members it allows:
* Date of registration and date of last connection, date and reason for the suspension
* List of members that use the same IP, date of last access and use counter of each one. (they do not see the IP, but they do use it)
* List of friendship requests: sent, received, accepted and pending
* List of blockages between members, made and received
* List of visits to profiles made and received, number counter and date of last
* Ignore visits to the same profile made in periods less than 10 minutes
* Popup window of flags with extended data
* List of private messages and chats with other members
* Page with activity summary
* Widget in the profile with a smart summary to be seen by other members
* Widget in DashBoard with the last received visits
* Summary of data in Quick Links
* Notifications about visits received
The administrator can:
* Define by roles who has access to basic and extended information
* All sections can be displayed, hidden, allow users to decide or establish their visibility by user roles
* Define to which sections the moderators have access
* Show or not warnings to members that they can not see a specific fact from others because they have hidden it from themselves
* Show or not warnings that they can not see a data of others because they do not have the appropriate role.
* See private conversations between members, you can also delete them
* New widget for the management of flags
* Information on how many flags a member has and has had.
* Information that moderator has deleted a flag and when
* Log in as any member
* Detailed analysis of each IP
* Change the password to any member
* Edit the profile of any member.
* Discover your password ("Brute Force" method)
* Eliminate friendships between members
* Remove blockages between members
* Remove the avatar of any member
* See the reason why a member was suspended
Everything is controlled from the buttons added to the profiles of the members.

Supports OxWall, Chamial owengine and oxwallplus ... the money is not returned if it did not work in skadate because I could not prove it there
Compatible with all plugins and themes currently on sale in the OxWall Store.
Test site:
https://somoscd.es/testsite, access data:
user: TestUserPremium pwd: TestUser (paid member)
user: TestUser pwd: TestUser (free member)
Lately the OxWall store is giving problems with the allocation of licenses, if you buy it and it does not reach you, let me know quickly
to admin@somoscd.es and tell me your email in PayPal and your nick in OxWall to assign it manually
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Total product rate

Based on 6 reviews

Customer reviews

Bob Bob
A Great plugin. Works exactly as described.

This plugin works exactly as described. I have tested it extensively and have found no problems. It has been highly stable, and has caused no problems at all with the rest of my site. Developer has been friendly and highly responsive. If you need the functionality of this plugin, I would not hesitate to recommend it. Tested on PhP 5.6.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Bob Bob,
Jul 28 '19

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