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Skysa | plugin


4 images
Last updated Oct 28 '13
Downloads 829
Published Dec 24 '12
Total downloads 4739
Other downloads
Skysa - Platform version... 11.37kb (829 downloads)
skysa.zip 10.03kb (891 downloads)


Plugin title Skysa
Item published Honsa
Category Interface, Utilities
Compatible with Does not support most recent versions.
Use at your own caution.
Demo page oxwall.gibts.ch/
License The BSD License
With Skysa you can centrally locate many of your sites features, sharing links, and applications in one persistent floating toolbar that is easily accessible by your website visitors and members. Skys... With Skysa you can centrally locate many of your sites features, sharing links, and applications in one persistent floating toolbar that is easily accessible by your website visitors and members. Skysa helps you by cleaning up the clutter of apps within your websites pages. NOTE: I have deactivated Skysa on my demo site.

To use Skysa, you can register over my ref link if you like http://www.skysabar.com/oxwall
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Based on 4 reviews

Customer reviews

OW Developer
very nice but....

You should put in the info in this for the people that dont no how to for the integration. var _SKYAUTH = { loginUrl:'REPLACE WITH FULL LOGIN URL', memberNick:'REPLACE WITH CONTEXT CODE TO GET MEMBER USER NAME', memberId:'REPLACE WITH CONTEXT CODE TO GET MEMBER ID', profileUrl:'REPLACE WITH MEMBER PROFILE URL', photoUrl:'REPLACE WITH MEMBER PHOTO URL' }; some people may not no the answers to this part. memberNick:'REPLACE WITH CONTEXT CODE TO GET MEMBER USER NAME', memberId:'REPLACE WITH CONTEXT CODE TO GET MEMBER ID', profileUrl:'REPLACE WITH MEMBER PROFILE URL', photoUrl:'REPLACE WITH MEMBER PHOTO URL' ADD TO LAST POST: great job works great!! i would say everyone should get this, it is for sure cool.

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 2 out of 2 people

OW Developer,
Jan 7 '13
