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Advanced Photo Plugin | plugin

Advanced Photo Plugin

13 images
Last updated Jun 4 '17
Published Oct 28 '13

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Plugin title Advanced Photo Plugin
Item published iDragon Solution Co., Ltd
Category Development, Social networking
Price $25
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page owdemo.idragonsolution.com/photo
License OSCL
Advanced Photo plugin enhances standard Photo plugin from OXWall - much easier to share photos with friends and community, beautiful photo browsing, viewing and quick interaction.

It provides a new...
Advanced Photo plugin enhances standard Photo plugin from OXWall - much easier to share photos with friends and community, beautiful photo browsing, viewing and quick interaction.

It provides a new level of photo browsing experience with an attractive photos listing and larger images, with ability to showcase featured albums and photos and a lot of various widgets.

Advanced Photo plugin features:

* Beautiful Interfaces. Large images, attractive look and user friendly interfaces intend members to browse and engage with photos much than usual.

* Attractive Photos Browsing page. The plugin provides an unique way of photos browsing in :
- There is no longer poor and small photos, it focuses on images presentation - large and quality images;
- It automatically adapts photos width and height regardless of their dimensions to provide beautiful user experience;
- Faster page loads with images lazy loading - it loads images only when visitors scroll down to view them;
- Less white space and short photo information, more can be seen on mouseover;
- Mouseover info includes: owner name, comments stats with links;
- Latest photos listing is opened by default, it is available along with categories list;

* Browse Albums page. It provides a clean and simple albums browsing page:
- Faster page loads with images lazy loading - it loads albums' images only when visitors scroll down to view them;
- Focus on visual presentation of albums images with less white space and short album information, more can be seen on mouseover;
- Mouseover info includes: album's title, owner name and photos count;
- Latest albums listing is opened by default, it is available along with categories list;

* Easy to Browse by Categories. Now it is easy to filter photos & albums by categories, which are displayed on the page top and it is enough to one-click to load the content via ajax - no page loading is required. This is available by default on Browse Photos & Browse Albums pages.

* Ajax search. Members can easily search photos and albums using search field on the page top, it is ajaxified so no page loading is required. This is available by default on Browse Albums page.

* Photo Album page is an attractive page with focus on displaying large & quality images. The images sizes are automatically adjusted to fit the page size - it provides a beautiful user experience like on Flickr. There are less text & info which are displayed only on mouseover.

Advanced Photo plugin requires official Photo plugin from OXWall to be installed.

Demo: http://owdemo.idragonsolution.com/photo

Please check Advanced Photo plugin details on iDragon Solution site -

Also check other our OXWall plugins here - http://www.oxwall.org/store/user-list/plugin/uitpro

** If you have any questions, please contact us directly via email dragonit80@gmail.com or via our ticket sytem: http://ticket.idragonsolution.com/open.php
** Refund policy: http://idragonsolution.com/privacy-policy

Account for demo site: tester1@yahoo.com/123456
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Based on 13 reviews

Customer reviews

Eric Chen
Fantastic Plugin

My users were 'wowed' when I enabled this plugin today. Definitely adds a lot of value over the native photo plugin. It makes the photo viewing experience a lot better. Most importantly, I'm happy that with this plugin, there is now a way to view photos by albums and categories from the main Photos tab. Excellent job!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Eric Chen,
Oct 30 '13
Can't say enough...

Much thanks for another fantastic plugin, works extremely well and for my members and I no known issues/Bugs at this time..

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Oct 31 '13
Bob Coyle
Okay, does mostly what I want...

This installed fine and works okay but it a bit slow loading the photos compared to the regular Oxwall Photo plugin. Also, I don't see a way to order the categories -- when you add one, it seems to just go in some random spot. Not too bad if you only have a few. I will give it four stars and hope for some future improvements!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Bob Coyle,
Jul 30 '15

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