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Profile Guard | plugin

Profile Guard

7 images
Last updated Nov 26 '14
Published Nov 19 '13

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Plugin title Profile Guard
Item published Sen Projects
Category Authentication, Social networking
Price $10
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page senprojects.com/owdemo
License OSCL
This plugin will allow you to limit the Daily Profile Viewing
of your members. If you are running a website which you want
your members to upgrade their membership level this is the
right plugin to...
This plugin will allow you to limit the Daily Profile Viewing
of your members. If you are running a website which you want
your members to upgrade their membership level this is the
right plugin to do that. It’s simple, sleek and doesn’t
create any widget. It simply count the profile viewing and
limits it.

How does it work?
If you set a daily profile viewing limit of in this example 5 for a certain user role, on the sixth time they view someone else’s profile they will be redirected to the member dashboard page with a message of ‘Daily Profile Viewing Limit Reached. Contact Site Administrator’.
Since Oxwall is allowing a user to have several user roles (or membership levels) this plugin looks at the member role which is not defined in the Profile Guard plugin settings, so if the user has a role that is not listed in Profile guard settings the user will not have a profile viewing limit.


1. Site admin can set user roles and number of Daily Profile Viewing per member.
2. Viewing own profile doesn’t count.
3. Viewing Limit message is customizable by going to your language settings.
4. Easy to install.

Demo Site: oxwall.oldfuture-it.com
The default daily limit in our demo site for regular members is 5.
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