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Promo Box | plugin

Promo Box

8 images
Last updated Feb 14 '16
Published Aug 18 '14

More items by this user

Plugin provides users with a quick access to a compact user search form and to the site quick search form available in member console
Increase your site popularity via fully-functional affiliate program
This bookmarks-style plugin allows users to add each other to favorites for quick access and interaction. Features: * Favorites lists (My...


Plugin title Promo Box
Item published Oxwall CandyStore
Category Monetization, Social networking
Price $25
Compatible with 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4
Demo page plugins.oxcandystore.com
License OSCL
Terms of Use view
This plugin allows site users stand from the crowd while promoting their own content in a special "Promo Box" which is located at the top of content listings. You can choose to let your users promote ... This plugin allows site users stand from the crowd while promoting their own content in a special "Promo Box" which is located at the top of content listings. You can choose to let your users promote their content for free or after payment.

Plugin supports the following features:
- Users
- Photos
- Video
- Forum
- Blogs
- Events
- Groups
- Links
- User credits (User Credits plugin required)
- API for 3rd party plugin developers
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Total product rate

Based on 3 reviews

Customer reviews


Does exactly as it says! Works great and gives more option for my site! So wonderful it works with User Credits - just one more way to help pay my members for their activity and make sure they get something useful in return!

Was it helpful? Yes·No Helpful for 1 out of 1 people

Aug 21 '14
