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after updating core to 1.5.2 => on admin login =>YOU STILL NEED TO SET YOUR CRON JOB [Being checked by developers] | Forum

Dave S
Dave S Apr 12 '13
Thanks, Rahul. I'm trying it right now.
Dave S
Dave S Apr 12 '13
I followed the instructions and it didn't work. Run cron via HTTP didn't work too. I have SSH enabled. My web hosting is Hostgator.

It looks that new update is not good with Cron Jobs. Oxwall 1.5.1 worked well with running cron via HTTP (i edited the run.php file). 

Devs, please fix this!

Rahul verma
Rahul verma Apr 12 '13
can u show the code which u used locally by my instruction?

for me it worked i have no message of cron on my dashboard 

Dave S
Dave S Apr 12 '13
My code is "php /home/SITENAME/public_html/ow_cron/run.php My PHP version is PHP 5.

For Hostgator users, read on http://support.hostgator.com/articles/what-do-i-put-for-the-cron-job-command

I contacted my web host tech support about this and they said that all the cron jobs that i used are correct. And also said "You may need to contact Oxwall now".

The Forum post is edited by Dave S Apr 12 '13
Dave S
Dave S Apr 12 '13
Well, i will test it more tomorrow and see. Thanks Rahul for the instructions.
Rahul verma
Rahul verma Apr 13 '13
Quote from Dave S My code is "php /home/SITENAME/public_html/ow_cron/run.php My PHP version is PHP 5.

For Hostgator users, read on http://support.hostgator.com/articles/what-do-i-put-for-the-cron-job-command

I contacted my web host tech support about this and they said that all the cron jobs that i used are correct. And also said "You may need to contact Oxwall now".

from hone/***** your code is right  but at starting i have doubt .

idk i want to know that when you used command which php
did u got just "php" ? or it was like usr/bin/php ?

also can you tell me that u have oxwall install on a primary domain like 123.com or on a sub domain aaa.123.com ?

The Forum post is edited by Rahul verma Apr 13 '13
Dave S
Dave S Apr 13 '13
Fixed! The warning message is gone when i configured PHP. Hostgator has 3 PHP versions: System Default, PHP4 and PHP5. I changed it from PHP5 to System Default. The cron job is normal like /usr/local/bin/php /home/site/public_html/ow_cron/run.php. All is ok now. Thank you very much Rahul for considering this issue.
Rahul verma
Rahul verma Apr 13 '13
my pleasure Dave.. 

but the main problem is not fixed.. it is highly recommended that we should run cron by HTTP method..

i tried something more on cron things ..

this is for DEV team please read it

in my cron jobs panel on justhost , there is a option to get notification by mail " if any of my cron run and generate an output."

i submitted my email there and used all http cron jobs for 1 hour each

wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.yoursite.com/ow_cron/run.php

lynx http://www.yoursite.com/ow_cron/run.php

curl http://www.yoursite.com/ow_cron/run.php

but i got no notification about them

then i run cron locally , and now i have tons of mails for cron job

it means no HTTP cron running properly or none of them generating any output.and just by local system crons r running properly ..

so it is not a server side problem.


next i am going to try to replace new cron run.php with old 1 , lets see what happens..

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 13 '13
Quote from RAHUL verma but the main problem is not fixed.. it is highly recommended that we should run cron by HTTP method..

Would it not be less efficient since the http would also involve a dns lookup etc?  Am I missing something here? 
Rahul verma
Rahul verma Apr 13 '13

but read it here http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron

 it is written here that http method is recommended for 1.5.2  

DeFender Apr 13 '13

but why the server log is showing that cron is runing, but users are disonnecting after 30 min ? htaccess ???

and if I run cron manualy , nothing changes.

The Forum post is edited by DeFender Apr 14 '13
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 13 '13
Quote from RAHUL verma idk

but read it here http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron

 it is written here that http method is recommended for 1.5.2  

It seemed to me to be expounding the virtue of running it local...
Alia Team
Alia Apr 15 '13
>> it is written here that http method is recommended for 1.5.2 

It is recommended as easiest way of setting CRON.

>>but why the server log is showing that cron is runing, but users are disonnecting after 30 min ? htaccess ???and if I run cron manualy , nothing changes.

If user just closes the browser without loging out, he stays "online" under "Members" sections as well as in chat for 30 minutes.

30 mins timelimit is set here: ow_system_plugins/base/bol/user_service.php:
method - deleteExpiredOnlineUsers

So after 30 minutes system checks whether user was active or not, if user stayed inactive for 30 minutes ( and he surely did, since he just closed the browser), CRON will "offline" this user.

Alia Team
Alia Apr 15 '13
Again, issue with the notice that CRON needs to be set, even though it is set,  is already being looked at by our developers.

Rahul verma
Rahul verma Apr 15 '13
Aliia i have a issue , may i pm you? 
Alia Team
Alia Apr 15 '13
Raul, it is better to create a separate topic. Feel free to PM me any info related to the topic that you  think is private ( like site URL, access details). Include forum topic link within the PM.

Alia Team
Alia Apr 15 '13
Guys, developers have found the solution to the issue with CRON. Issue will be fixed in the upcoming update.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 17 '13
Cron issue was fixed  in the unplanned minor Oxwall 1.5.3 update.
More info: http://www.oxwall.org/download
Daren Apr 17 '13
After the update - Manual ... I got this

Error 500
Internal Server Error.

How to solve this ? Please advise

Can anyone tell me how to solve this ? Debug mode screenshot

Pls help. Thanks

The Forum post is edited by Daren Apr 17 '13
Alia Team
Alia Apr 17 '13
Daren, this error usually means that there is no space left on your server.

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