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Joseph Simon
Joseph Simon Apr 23 '13
Several users complained that they were not able to join in using google chrome.I also checked and its true.After They click continue the page just resets and everything filled is gone.

The Forum post is edited by Alia Oct 1 '13
Sean May 8 '13
I have this problem sometimes as well!
dave Leader
dave May 8 '13

i wanted to update this post, it does work for me fine on chrome, my issue was the new question captcha for some reason was not showing the image, but i went back to the normal captcha and it works fine for me on chrome.. just thought i would share..

The Forum post is edited by dave May 8 '13
Joseph Simon
Joseph Simon May 9 '13

Quote from dave

i wanted to update this post, it does work for me fine on chrome, my issue was the new question captcha for some reason was not showing the image, but i went back to the normal captcha and it works fine for me on chrome.. just thought i would share..

yes i have this same issue.Sometimes i ask our users not to use the beta version of google chrome and also suggest them to use ccleaner to clean up the cache..sometimes it works sometimes still it doesnt ..Not sure if its a problem  oxwall need to be answered or the google guys....But still waiting for a pro answer :)
dave Leader
dave May 9 '13

look at my last comment on this post, it might have somthing to do with it...



MarkieMark67 May 9 '13
Reduce the size of the captcha in settings. That also fixes the problem sometimes. Make the image width 400
Thomas Jul 22 '13
Guys, user registration is not working in Chrome. I tested in firefox and safari and everything is okay but i chrome i just get the same join page reloded. What's up with that? Is anybody on the oxwall team working on this?
Alia Team
Alia Jul 22 '13
Thomas, I was able to register on your site using Chrome (Version 23.0.1271.95). I am on Linux Mint OS.

dave Leader
dave Aug 5 '13

I think what might be happening is that there is a field that is not being filled in like for example the capcha.   And so it goes back to the beginning.   Check to make sure that all of the fields show up on registration.

Sean Aug 7 '13
I have had several users contact me using our contact form regarding sign up problems, it seems to be Chrome again.

It just clears all fields and reloads the join page. It doesn't happen for every Chrome user though which is odd.

I've had to put a notice on my join form to say don't use Chrome to register.

Alia Team
Alia Aug 9 '13
I am not sure whether this is the case for your sites guys, BUT one issue was fixed within join form's functionality  in 1.5.3 version of oxwall.

Let me know if you have 1.5.3 but the issue with Chrome is still happening.

I have tried to reproduce the issue on several sites, but with no luck yet.
Any additional info about browser's version, OS is appreciated.
Kevin Aug 14 '13
I still have the same chrome problem.


Alia Team
Alia Aug 14 '13
Kevin, we are currently trying to reproduce the issue at least on one site, so that developers can go ahead and check what is causing this. We were not able to reproduce and therefore to fix the issue yet.

Can I have your site URL ?
Nick Castle
Nick Castle Sep 4 '13
I have the same problem with Chrome on Mac OS X

Alia Team
Alia Sep 5 '13
Nick, have just registered on our site using Chrome on Mac. All went well.

Nick Castle
Nick Castle Sep 5 '13
:) strange, it works today, but didn't yesterday... oh well.. thanks for having a look.
Alia Team
Alia Sep 5 '13
Which version of Chrome do you have?
Who do you host with?
Have you checked your error logs?
Are you getting this issue all the time or only sometimes?
Nick Castle
Nick Castle Sep 5 '13
It is Chrome Version 29.0.1547.62 and I host with Hostforweb on a VPS
There is nothing in the error logs. It is strange, I cannot recreate the problem now. The other day
when trying to register It was either refreshing the page with a blank form or I was getting an error saying it couldn't connect to the server, yet it would allow me to login with an existing user and browse the site, so there was not problem connecting to the server that way. Anyway it appears to be working now.
Alia Team
Alia Sep 6 '13
We are still looking for a site where we can reproduce the issue and find what is causing this.
If you anybody faces this issue, please post your links. We will be glad to check.
Jennifer Sep 12 '13
Hi Aliia,

I am having the problem described above, on both Chrome (Version 29.0.1547.66 m) and IE9.

We host with Bluehost.

A couple of people have been able to register (perhaps through Facebook?), but many cannot.

Here is our site:


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