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Facebook button gone? [to test] | Forum

Gavin Apr 24 '13
Hi, yesterday and before when you hit join you see the facebook button to join with facebook. This button has not gone and just shows a text link. I have noticed this is the same as this site. Where has the button gone? How do i get it back?
The Forum post is edited by Alia Jun 11 '13
Shaun Apr 24 '13
Hi i am having the same problem qnd by the look of it so is the oxwall site. Any ideas?
Simon Apr 24 '13
Samething, this is frustrating for me when I just started to market/advertise my website and explaining to people to join my website is very easy with just the facebook connect. 

As a new user trying to introduce a new social networking site to someone is very hard already. This is just making it that much more difficult.

Pete Apr 24 '13
Easy to fix guys log into your oxwall admin /setting/Languages/then click on Show and scroll down to facebook connect  now look see photo  were i added arrow there is facebook connect,you need to edit and add facebook connect  problem sorted In the photo it is fixed ,but were it says facebook connect in photo, in yours it will only say connect.And edit the othere one above it.
The Forum post is edited by Pete Apr 24 '13
Simon Apr 24 '13
Hi Pete

that fixed by saying Facebook Connect, but there is no image of the button there.

The Forum post is edited by Simon Apr 24 '13
Abbey Apr 24 '13
Hi, I just did what you said Pete..... then I went and checked it and FB connect isn't working properly either, I get a 500 internal error
Pete Apr 24 '13

Quote from Simon
Hi Pete

that fixed by saying Facebook Connect, but there is no image of the button there.

I no there is no image but now it says facebook  .I am sorry Abbey but i have not got a clue what is going on ,did you edit both parts were it says connect ?  load of people or having loads of problems with oxwall
The Forum post is edited by Pete Apr 24 '13
Simon Apr 24 '13
ok i fixed it by saving an image and resized it and then upload it and use the IMG html to put it in the front of that

Pete Apr 24 '13

Quote from Abbey Jayne
Hi, I just did what you said Pete..... then I went and checked it and FB connect isn't working properly either, I get a 500 internal error

Abbey i have just logged into your website with facebook its working fine.
MarkieMark67 Apr 24 '13
Even on Oxwall's site the facebook connect button is missing.
Gavin Apr 25 '13
Anyone from oxwall know whats going on? Is it pulled from FB and they have moved it or something, trying to hunt for the code that pulls this image but no idea where it is stored come on oxwall!
The Forum post is edited by Gavin Apr 25 '13
Alia Team
Alia Apr 25 '13
Our developers are already working on fixing this issue. FB connect plugin will be updated soon.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 25 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Gavin Apr 26 '13
any fix yet?
Chris Apr 26 '13
So i have found a temp fix for this, its pretty simple, but works.

Find a fbconnect image or use the one i have attached.

go to edit theme ---> graphics ---> upload the fb image ---> copy the image URL

then go to languages and follow Pete's steps, however instead of changing the text to "Facebook Connect" insert the following image code.

<img src="URL of your uploaded Photo" />

Hey presto, fb connect image is back.

Quote from Pete Easy to fix guys log into your oxwall admin /setting/Languages/then click on Show and scroll down to facebook connect  now look see photo  were i added arrow there is facebook connect,you need to edit and add facebook connect  problem sorted In the photo it is fixed ,but were it says facebook connect in photo, in yours it will only say connect.And edit the othere one above it.

  fbconnect.jpg (12.96Kb)
  fbconnect image.jpg (104.35Kb)
Pala Apr 26 '13
Also possible to make post to facebook ( all page content ) ?
bobbi May 3 '13
i had a update for the facebook plug in and it solved the problem, the connect is no longer text
TeamX Jun 11 '13
Quote from Chris So i have found a temp fix for this, its pretty simple, but works.

Find a fbconnect image or use the one i have attached.

go to edit theme ---> graphics ---> upload the fb image ---> copy the image URL

then go to languages and follow Pete's steps, however instead of changing the text to "Facebook Connect" insert the following image code.

<img src="URL of your uploaded Photo" />

Hey presto, fb connect image is back.

Quote from Pete Easy to fix guys log into your oxwall admin /setting/Languages/then click on Show and scroll down to facebook connect  now look see photo  were i added arrow there is facebook connect,you need to edit and add facebook connect  problem sorted In the photo it is fixed ,but were it says facebook connect in photo, in yours it will only say connect.And edit the othere one above it.

In the above picture , it is show to edit the "
Facebook Connect" on the Languages Tab, BUt it will not work, I suggest to do the same means,

<img src="URL of your uploaded Photo" />  to The word CONNECT in the Languages tab.

Chris Jun 11 '13
This issue has been fixed, just update your version of FB connect plugin. You do not need to edit the languages section anymore.

However if you have changed the text in the language section to display the image, you will have to undo your edit and put back just the plain text, otherwise the image will display twice.

There is still a bug with this plugin tho. Aliia if you could take a look into this. The synchronize with FB button does not display on edit user profile. I am almost sure it used to display "Synchronize with FB" image.
Alia Team
Alia Jun 11 '13
Chris, thanks for report. I will retest and will get back to you .
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