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Links to New Pages - "Page Does Not Exist" | Forum

Rick K
Rick K Aug 11 '13
I apologize if this is already posted somewhere. I can't find it if it is. After a reinstall of 1.5.3 (6341) I have created new pages placed in a folder within public_html. Attempting to create a new link results in a return on the new link of "Page Does Not Exist". The page does exist. I'm looking at it in the cPanel folder every time to verify I have the correct URL. Any suggestions?
The Forum post is edited by Rick K Aug 11 '13
Alia Team
Alia Aug 12 '13
Rick, most likely .htaccess issue.
Check this FAQ: http://docs.oxwall.org/...stom-pages-to-oxwall
Rick K
Rick K Aug 12 '13
I tried that process...it didn't work. The instructions don't mention whether I have to put individual pages in the Oxwall installation or whether I can put them in a collective folder. If it's a folder is there a different style of URL? As an individual page, it did not work.

I have multiply nested pages that need to be accessed. I don't want them individually listed in the menu. My goal is to have one page (maybe a couple of others, no more) listed as a Library with multiple links to various other pages which, in turn, link to the objects in that library.
The Forum post is edited by Rick K Aug 12 '13
Rick K
Rick K Aug 12 '13
Good morning Paul! Well, it's morning here. No, I'm trying to link to a Library and have created a page through Kompozer...I wanted to link to that page because it's kind of the index page for the library. I named the page apllibrary.html. I've tried every combination I can think of, but Oxwall refuses to recognize it.
Rick K
Rick K Aug 12 '13
BTW, are you an Oxwall developer/programmer/designer type dude?
Rick K
Rick K Aug 12 '13
Does that mean you only make plugins? Or do you do site installs too? What I mean by installs is making sure that the basic install (1.5.3) is working as it's supposed to work. All the widgets, thingamabobs, doodads, bells, whistles, buttons, and switches. I'm not talking about adding anything...just as it is.

BTW, I tried the .htaccess method as well. Didn't work.
The Forum post is edited by Rick K Aug 12 '13
Alia Team
Alia Aug 12 '13
Rick where do you have Oxwall installed? In subfolder or in the root directory?

Where are you placing your custom.html document?
I will try to reproduce your case on my own installation.
Rick K
Rick K Aug 12 '13
Hi Aliia, Oxwall is installed to the root directory.
Rick K
Rick K Aug 13 '13
So, am I supposed to place every individual page I make inside the Oxwall installation, in a particular folder in Oxwall, in a folder in Oxwall for those specific pages? I can't get this to work and, again, the frustration level is getting to be just about unbearable.
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13

Rick remember when we spoke the other day an you shared your htaccess with me, i told you if you added any sub folders, add on domains, folders or files to the root you would need to tell oxwall that it is there and you wold need to add those to your htaccess.  You told me that you did not plan to do that at this point, so i did not add that section of code  to your htaccass for that reason. 


Also when you add a page thru the admin panel pages section you do not have to add them to your htaccess, that was not what i was referring to. 


Also i suppose your working things out with paul now, i thought since last we spoke we were going to work together.  But this is ok rick, no problem bud,  as long as your taken care of paul is good people, i just dont want two programmers working on the same files.







The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 13 '13
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13

Rick i know your getting confused here this i hope will ease your confusion a bit i hope and ill try to address this in very simple terms so that everyone can understand who might read this.


As a security measure Oxwall will use the files it is assigned in the root of the install.  What that means is that if you look in the root install, oxwall is aware of those files listed which came with Oxwall.


Now lets say for example that you want to add a subfolder to the root named  mystuff for whatever purpose.  You need to tell Oxwall that it is ok to access the subfolder mystuff or you will get an error.


Lets say that you want to add a file to the root named  mystuff.txt  which is a text file.  You also need to tell oxwall that is ok to access that file.


Let say that you want to add a addon or subdomain  mystuff.com  you also need to tell Oxwall that it is ok to access that.


how you do that is like this..


If you open your htaccess  you will see several parts.


the top part (as i call it because i see it as two sections basically to make it easy for me)


Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

AddEncoding gzip .gz
AddEncoding gzip .gzip
<FilesMatch "\.(js.gz|js.gzip)$">
  ForceType text/javascript
<FilesMatch "\.(css.gz|css.gzip)$">
  ForceType text/css


**(rick remember this area right here for later, important)


and the bottom part


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/index\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_cron/run\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.xml|\.feed|robots\.txt|\.raw|/[^.]*)$  [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) index.php


and thats the basic default htaccess


Now if you want to add domain, sub domains, folders, files the is how you tell oxwall it is ok.


where you see the ** rick remember this area text.


you add this section


#added to access custom files - sub domains or special folders
#subdomains and add on domains
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !sub_addondomain.com$
# folders
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/folder1/
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/folder2/
# files
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/file1.html
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/file2.jpg
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/file3.txt

#end of add



i gave the names generic names for examples but you can add as many of those statements in those particular sections as you need to.  Just remove the comment char  # from the front to make that line active.


So if  you add that section in between the first and second section you can tell oxwall what is ok to use.


Now on the other hand..


If i want to add a new page called   mynewpage  to my oxwall site, then none of this matters unless your using data from a new domain/folder/file.   All you have to do is go to admin and go to pages and add the page.


I hope that helps.

Rick K
Rick K Aug 13 '13
Thanks, Dave. I'll be right back. I'm going to try this right now.
Rick K
Rick K Aug 13 '13
These two lines were uncommented (right or wrong term?) and the names "library" and "apllibrary" were inserted.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/library/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/apllibrary.html

Are these folders/files required to be in the Oxwall installation (if so, where) or just the web root?
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13
if those are your special files and folders just leave them in the root and you can access them
Rick K
Rick K Aug 13 '13
I'm still getting the "invalid URL" error when typing the link for the new page in Admin/manage pages. I'm trying to create a page (using one I made in Kompozer) that has a link on the menu. I typed this as the local page ***.com/library When I click "Submit" it returns the error.

The Forum post is edited by Rick K Aug 13 '13
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13

you dont have a index.html in there, that display of the index is normal.  Where is your index.html

dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13

there are two ways to create a page in admin, are you creating a new name for a page or are you using the direct link method


dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13

if you just create   mypagestuff   then you would edit that in pages and add your html inside of that, and that becomes your index.html


if  you use the external method then you need to have your own index.html in that dir

dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13
dont get frustrated this as you know this is how you learn by doing and making mistakes.. :)
The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 13 '13
Rick K
Rick K Aug 13 '13
index.html...do i need that? should I rename apllibrary.html as index.html?

In Admin, I'm doing the following:

1. Menu Name: Library
2. Local page: ***com/library/apllibrary.html
3. Select "registered members"
4. Submit

Result "Invalid URL"

I just used the "second" method. I have part of the page. The background and the graphic header are gone, but that's fixable with my limited knowledge.

This all boils down to knowing how to use the Admin page manager...sounds like a manual to me...lol
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