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I just changed my server and after that, I have many problems! | Forum

momtaz1976 Aug 22 '13
I just changed my server and after that, I have many problems as:

1) my users can't change their avatar
2) except in newsfeed and wall, when a user post a message, the page never refresh automatically and user should refresh that page manually! (for example in blog and forum)
3) in Admin panel, I can not make a new page. when I click for making new page, even I can't edit an existing page !
momtaz1976 Aug 22 '13
my control panel is kloxo and unfortunately my kloxo could not connect to database
and now I use Webmin that I am not well at Webmin
momtaz1976 Aug 22 '13
I have my backup database
I have my backup home
I restore database and I uplaoded my home files
I configure config.php file

but I think, I miss something !
momtaz1976 Aug 22 '13
maybe it is from my htaccess file! because when I restore my site in new server,
my site didn't run till I uplaod a new htaccess from a brand new oxwall !
do I need to change any item in htaccess ?
dave Leader
dave Aug 22 '13

To those that may offer support:


they say their Oxwall site is http://www.cafebourse.com/ and they moved they migrated their site.


Just so you know, i can find no history of this site in google, not in wayback, not in google cache, not listed in google at all.  If you changed your site from one server to the other then it should be listed someplace in google or other search engine.   I have not found any such site listed. 


Seems fishy to me... sorry

momtaz1976 Aug 22 '13
when I restore my site in new server, my site didn't run till I uplaod a new htaccess from a brand new oxwall !
do I need to change any item in htaccess ? in below I paste my htaccess codes :

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

AddEncoding gzip .gz
AddEncoding gzip .gzip
<FilesMatch "\.(js.gz|js.gzip)$">
ForceType text/javascript
<FilesMatch "\.(css.gz|css.gzip)$">
ForceType text/css

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/index\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_cron/run\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.xml|\.feed|robots\.txt|\.raw|/[^.]*)$  [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) index.php
The Forum post is edited by momtaz1976 Aug 22 '13
Alia Team
Alia Aug 22 '13

What is your current site URL?
This could help to understand your issues.

Regarding .htaccess all seems well.

Abbey Aug 22 '13
try contacting your hosting, somethings are fixed faster that way
dave Leader
dave Aug 23 '13
She sent me an email too, i suggested she contact her host before she posted this forum post, i also ask her for her url which she changed twice on me.   Something in my gut tells me there is something fishy here.
Abbey Aug 23 '13
yeah somethings not right when they skirt around questions
dave Leader
dave Aug 23 '13
Yep, the reason i suggested she contact her host is because when it comes to migrations most hosts will make sure your up and running and do the work for you to get you going.  She gave me very little information at first and of course we are flying blind when it comes to working on a site that is down during a migration.  She told me she got rid of her dns, i was like what?  Thinking to myself why would you do that....   So that is why i recommended she contace her new host to get things up and running and then we can help her if she needs additional help.
momtaz1976 Aug 23 '13
Dear Allia and Dave, I set my DNS, but because of so many errors on my website,
I don't want my members to see website like this. so please help me very soon !

some of the critical errors on my social network are:

1) my users can't change their avatar
2) except in newsfeed and wall, when a user post a message, the page never refresh automatically and user should refresh that page manually! (for example in blog and forum)
3) in Admin panel, I can not make a new page. when I click for making new page, even I can't edit an existing page !
4) I can't set or change my logo !
The Forum post is edited by momtaz1976 Aug 23 '13
Abbey Aug 23 '13
Contact your hosting as this is more an issue for them to deal with, listen to Dave and your issues will be resolved faster, you're wasting your time posting here
momtaz1976 Aug 23 '13

Quote from Abbey Jayne Contact your hosting as this is more an issue for them to deal with, listen to Dave and your issues will be resolved faster, you're wasting your time posting here

I have VPS, installed linux SentOs on it and I think, I should setup Server requirements by myself ! can anybody help me?
I just find and set:
  • register_globals off
  • safe_mode off

but I don't know how to reach at :suPHP off, suApache off, suhosin off,  and so on !!

The Forum post is edited by momtaz1976 Aug 23 '13
Abbey Aug 23 '13

Quote from momtaz1976
Quote from Abbey Jayne Contact your hosting as this is more an issue for them to deal with, listen to Dave and your issues will be resolved faster, you're wasting your time posting here

I have VPS, installed linux SentOs on it and I think, I should setup Server requirements by myself ! can anybody help me?
I just find and set:
  • register_globals off
  • safe_mode off

but I don't know how to reach at :suPHP off, suApache off, suhosin off,  and so on !!

well whatever you're doing isn't working so contact your VPS provider
momtaz1976 Aug 23 '13


Seems fishy to me... sorry

Dear Dave, I'm not fishy !
now please check my website and without any insult, please help me !!
I should set my website under maintenance, so please if you approve
that there is nothing wrong with me, please inform me to back my website
under maintenance.
and please please help me to remove my errors.

momtaz1976 Aug 24 '13
Dear Abbey, thank you for your suggestion. but my VPS provider told that
he never know anything about Oxwall configurations! he just installed a
Linux OS and a webmin and a kloxo control panel and gave me full access
to this server. my previous server was from this provider and I just changed
the server because I wanted to have a more powerful server for my website
with 500 MB of dedicated internet bandwidth .
he said I should remove my website to another server that he could set dedicated
bandwidth for me !! that's all !
The Forum post is edited by momtaz1976 Aug 24 '13
momtaz1976 Aug 24 '13
ok, I'm trying to do something by myself !
I think I lost my data on my website !
dave Leader
dave Aug 25 '13

I was not insulting you and im sorry you see it that way.  I was trying to help but items such as this "but I don't know how to reach at :suPHP off, suApache off, suhosin off,"  are server related and should be set up by your provider.    How do you know that your VPS even supports suPhp, i dont know either.   My gut feeling on this is that your provider did not set up the VPS correctly in order to give you the options and resorces to set up your VPS correctly on your end. 




Steve Winter
Steve Winter Aug 25 '13
Quote from momtaz1976 ok, I'm trying to do something by myself !
I think I lost my data on my website !

You need to find a website that supports Oxwall and offers free migration.  Try 
http://tinyurl.com/coolhost and get your money back where you are now.

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