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OxwallMessenger for iOS - Beta program | Forum

Thomas Oct 11 '13

Hi everybody,

We are ready to kick off our Beta program. We have been working on out app for the last month and now we are ready to let you have a saying in all this. Also, we need to test how the app is behaving on other devices than the simulator and development enviroment.

If you want to participate. you'll need to:

1. Sign up at www.scalo.se for a user account. That is our Oxwall Demo Site.

2. Sign up for the Test Team at http://tflig.ht/19EnEct or, if you already have a TestFligt account, send me your account e-mail and I'll send you a team invite.

3. Visit www.testflightapp.com with your iOS device and follow these steps to register your device UDID.

4 Install the app on your device when a notification mail arrives or when you see it in your TestFlight dashboard. 

We'll be rolling out several versions during the testing period and the program will last for at least 14 days. After that, we can hopefully go into production and submit the app to AppStore.

I hope as many of you choose to join the BETA program and help us make OxwallMessanger a really stable and good quality application that we all can enjoy!

Best regards,


The Forum post is edited by Thomas Oct 11 '13
Thomas Oct 11 '13



Device installation on TestFlight

Romuald Oct 11 '13
hello @thomas food job
Romuald Oct 11 '13

@ thomas hello, I have followed all instructions but the link "http://tflig.ht/19EnEc" its gives me an error sniff

I even download TestFligt on my iphone "my e-mail is leclidelasouris@free.fr if you can invite me please because I'm very ready for your project but Unfortunately I am not at your height you aiders .


Romuald Oct 11 '13

@ thomas here is what is good is the right place "http://tflig.ht/19EnEc t" I vien to apply for rejoind oxwallmessenger.

thank you

ustc Oct 11 '13
Den Team
Den Oct 11 '13
+1 , TestFlight has been installed. Waiting for notification with app for testing. 
Aprillos Oct 11 '13

Thomas, what is this

I think we should have nominal our network the application

KreativMind Oct 11 '13
Thomas, I am already a member. I will be picking back up my iOS device this weekend. Will let you know what I think. Thanks Bro
Thomas Oct 14 '13
@Jamie - I verified you, so you should be good to go. But if you want to be a part of the testing team you need to sign up at http://tflig.ht/19EnEct as well. 
ustc Oct 14 '13
iPad seems hard to login in......
And the close for the setting no responce...
The Forum post is edited by ustc Oct 14 '13
  image.jpg (250.71Kb)
  image.jpg (220.5Kb)
Thomas Oct 14 '13
Today we released the first builds of OxwallMessenger for iOS for our testgroup. I recorded a small demo for the rest of you. ;-)

Thomas Oct 14 '13
@ustc - yes, I saw that on my device as well. I address that in the next build. Thanx for pointing it out. 
Den Team
Den Oct 14 '13
Just to make sure, is it compatible with iOS 6.x devices? 
Romuald Oct 15 '13
@ Thomas very good job but it should not be compatible with iso 6.x because on my iphone but it appears that I get the login I can not enter the password and enter it
Thomas Oct 15 '13
@Den & Romuald. I have tested it o  6.0 and 6.1 in simulator. There are some images issues but I can log in without a problem. Try the latest build please and let me know.
ustc Oct 15 '13
Now, I can login in.....
Thomas Oct 15 '13

We have updated the TestFlight with a new build for our test team to try out. As usual when you start testing the app in real environment, a lot of issues arise. We have been working hard to do all updates and UI fixes to stabilize the app. In this last build we think that the most of our problems associated with different devices and iOS versions are over. (God, I hope so!!) 

We have also implemented a new extended way to view the profile scene and toggle between user info and conversations. 

There is a need for us to add some more functions to the server side of the application so we will be adding code to web services and adjusting the way the app is handling incoming data. 

For a list of issues or go to the projects GitHub Issues list Feel free to add all things you feel we should do better or report an error.

Romuald Oct 15 '13

@ Thomas the problems are corrected,

I bow to your work which for me is great.

When you think that we could integrate it to our sites and whether it would be possible to have it in french please?

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Oct 15 '13
will this app eventually become more than the conversations like the newfeed and pictures and the other stuff 
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