I thought this post might be helpful to someone at some point after an install or during a restore.
Preface: During a manual install of Oxwall (if you missed any file permissions) the script should take you through a process in order to verify that all the directories and files it needs to be writable are set as such. And this process is where the information below was derrived from as i did a fresh install myself. So with that said it is possible that not all items are mentioned on this list but you get the idea behind it i hope.
Issue: There are times as in doing a restore from backup that proper file permisions are not carried forward and passed to an from the backup media. What this means is that when you backup your files the permissions are normalized as directories 755 and files 644. So you will need to reset any special permissions needed on files after a restore. And this is the purpose of this post is to help you have (the ones i showed in a fresh install) handy so you can reset the permisions should you happen to restore a file or your script.
First the basic rule is this:
The install script will attempt to write to these folders:
Recursive means the folder and all folders and files within that folder, in essense everything, so then non recursive means just do the item listed in specific.
777 recursive permission folders: (yes this means every file every folder, you can use filezilla to do it quickly, just right click on the folder, choose file attributes option, then type in 777, and they select the recursive option all folders and files. ) and kick back.. and relax as this will take awhile
777 non recursive permission:
That should cover it,
Hope this helps :)
Happy Oxwalling