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some peeps make friends with them self | Forum

ben Feb 25 '14
turn off friend newsfeed
ross Team
ross Feb 26 '14
You have disabled newsfeed for friends. Have you tried to revert the changes in langs?
ben Feb 28 '14
yes, no picture between them if someone making friends. newsfeed looks ugly. can you revert back to newsfeed 1.5

ross when 1.6.1 coming?
ross Team
ross Mar 10 '14
No exact date for now. 
Blukkie Apr 11 '14
Been a while now, but it is still not fixed or did I miss something? 
ross Team
ross Apr 13 '14
Blukkie are you referring to the pictures in the newsfeed or the issue with "befriending with yourself"?
Anitaku Jul 9 '16
Did the error for "befriending with yourself" ever get fixed or is it still floating around unable to be reproduced by the team?
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '16
Phil, this is the issue of 2014. 

What is your software version? Have you tried to reproduce the issue on our demo? Did you test with the default plugins and theme enabled only? 

Anitaku Sep 8 '16
Bug reproduced and error posted to Sergey for him to address.

Seems it's his plug in causing the issue.

More info on the bug at: https://developers.oxwall.com/...m/topic/35719?page=1

ross Team
ross Sep 8 '16
ok, thanks for letting us know. 
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