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tiny chat configuration | Forum

Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Nov 8 '11
no thing
but page is blank
Max Nov 8 '11
Try with it
  page.rar (1.72Kb)
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Nov 8 '11
it was  opened...
and great..
it works but should i do some changes for characters.

i am thank full Max.
Max Nov 8 '11
Enjoy ! :)
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Nov 8 '11
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Nov 8 '11
there is another problem that i think it is because of .swf file of tinychat.
it is that tiny chatroom is top of oxwall's ajax chat and oxwall's ajax chat hides under it.. :(

is it usual thing with tinychat or it can be solved???

Best Regards. 
The Forum post is edited by Hadi Kamell Nov 8 '11
Max Nov 8 '11
Yes it's a known issue but I can't solve it, sorry :/
Den Team
Den Nov 9 '11
Yes, this is known issue with swf object, which overlaps others objects on page. 
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