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avatar sideways | Forum

Kris Corp
Kris Corp Jan 19 '14
I take a pic with my front camera and it comes out sideways when I upload it as a profile avatar pic. Weird and major issue. Need a solution.
  Screenshot_2014-01-19-14-56-19.png (248.3Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Jan 20 '14
Kris, can't reproduce this. Can you provide the image of yours?
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Jan 20 '14
i attached it above. it only happens when you take a pic with your phone verticle. Comes out sideways. It doesnt make sense. It only happens when you use the front camera. Most people take pics with front cams. To make it perfect you have to turn the phone to the side.
Pete Jan 20 '14
Aliia Kris means when you upload and add picture using a phone .You might be doing this off your computer Allia,and you wont beable to replicate ,if this is the case .
The Forum post is edited by Pete Jan 20 '14
Demmy Wilson
Demmy Wilson Feb 23 '14
Rotate the photo in your phone first. There's a setting to do this when you look at the photo. There's nothing more disgusting than seeing photo galleries filled with photos displayed sideways.

If the photo is on your computer, go toMy Computer, find the photo, right click and select "Rotate Clockwise" or "anticlockwise".
The Forum post is edited by Demmy Wilson Feb 23 '14
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Feb 24 '14
this site does not display the attribute at the bottom  
20 Hours a Day
20 Hours a Day Jun 3 '14

Quote from Kris
i attached it above. it only happens when you take a pic with your phone verticle. Comes out sideways. It doesnt make sense. It only happens when you use the front camera. Most people take pics with front cams. To make it perfect you have to turn the phone to the side.
@Kris, it doesn't just happen if you use the front camera, the results below are rear camera only.  This is a bug that I hope we can get resolved soon.

The following Parts 1, 2 & 3 are in direct relationship to the topic discussed within this thread.  I am using Android, IOS and WP8.1 as my test subjects and the Candy Store Liquid Responsive Theme.
Smartphone Photo Orientation and Results - Part 1:

IOS & Android:
Profile Picture (Avatar)
--> Upload New Avatar
      Step 1 --> Choose File.
      Step 2 --> Choose Existing.
      Step 3 --> Choose a photo that you know was taken in portrait mode.
      Step 4 --> Press Upload.
      Result  --> Photo rotates counter-clockwise to the left and remains as the avatar.

IOS & Android:
Profile Picture (Avatar)
--> Upload New Avatar
      Step 1 --> Choose File.
      Step 2 --> Choose Take and Photo or Video.
      Step 3 --> Snap a photo in portrait mode.
      Step 4 --> Choose Use.
      Step 4 --> Press Upload.
      Result  --> Photo rotates counter-clockwise to the left and remains as the avatar.

IOS & Android:
Profile Picture (Avatar)
--> Upload New Avatar
      Step 1 --> Choose File.
      Step 2 --> Choose Existing.
      Step 3 --> Choose a photo that you know was taken in landscape mode.
      Step 4 --> Press Upload.
      Result  --> Photo displays correctly and remains as the avatar.

IOS & Android:
Profile Picture (Avatar)
--> Upload New Avatar
      Step 1 --> Choose File.
      Step 2 --> Choose Take and Photo or Video.
      Step 3 --> Snap a photo in landscape mode.
      Step 4 --> Press Upload.
      Result  --> Photo displays correctly and remains as the avatar.

The above results are for changing your profile picture (avatar) using an Android or IOS smartphone only.  And as you can see, by either choosing a photo or snapping one in portrait mode always results in a permanent rotation of the picture.

I would like to note that ALL pictures chosen from existing or taken directly from the camera on a Windows Phone 8.1 device is always correct (no issues at all).  I suspect that Windows Phone 8.1 devices upload pictures just like a laptop or desktop, so the EXIF tag information is always correct, but for Android and IOS, something else needs corrected in the Oxwall code to compensate for this.

The Forum post is edited by 20 Hours a Day Jun 3 '14
20 Hours a Day
20 Hours a Day Jun 3 '14
Smartphone Photo Orientation and Results - Part 2:

IOS & Android:
User Picture Albums
--> Upload new photo to user's album.
      Step 1 --> Choose Simple Upload.
      Step 2 --> Choose Pic #1.
      Step 3 --> Choose a photo that you know was taken in portrait mode.
      Step 4 --> Press Upload.
      Result  --> Thumbnail rotates clockwise to the right and a poster style effect is applied (washed-out look), however when you click the thumbnail to enlarge the photo, it is correctly displayed.

IOS & Android:
User Picture Albums
--> Upload new photo to user's album.
      Step 1 --> Choose Simple Upload.
      Step 2 --> Choose Pic #1.
      Step 3 --> Choose a photo that you know was taken in landscape mode.
      Step 4 --> Press Upload.
      Result  --> Thumbnail displays correctly, no poster style effect, and when you click the thumbnail to enlarge the photo, it is correctly displayed.

As you can see, these test results conclude that when a photo is taken or chosen from a portrait orientation (Android and IOS) the resulting thumbnails are rotated to the right this time and a weird photo effect is applied, but the larger image is correct.

Again, Windows Phone 8.1 devices display correctly under all circumstances (portrait or landscape).
20 Hours a Day
20 Hours a Day Jun 3 '14
Smartphone Photo Orientation and Results - Part 3:

IOS & Android:
Updating Status Newsfeed
--> Click into status box.
      Step 1 --> Choose photo upload.
      Step 2 --> Choose Existing or Snap a Photo.
      Step 3 --> Thumbnail correctly displays.
      Step 4 --> Press Upload.
      Result  --> Thumbnail and photo is correctly displayed.

As you can see from the results of the part 3 test, Android and IOS correctly uploads images into the newsfeed in portrait or landscape modes. 

Final conclusion: This tells me the EXIF tag information is correctly recognized within the Oxwall newsfeed uploading mechanism.  We need to get this corrected within avatar uploading and simple photo uploading mechanisms as well.  I hope that 1.6.1 does not repeat these errors.  This is a very distracting bug that discourages site members from contributing often via smartphones.

Windows Phone 8.1 devices display correctly under all circumstances (portrait or landscape).
The Forum post is edited by 20 Hours a Day Jun 3 '14
ross Team
ross Jun 3 '14
Robert, first of all thank you for such an extensive testing of the "issue". 

We have tested that on IOS and Android 4.2.1. 

We could reproduce it on IOS but not on Android. 

Now, regarding to the "issue". First our desktop version is not optimized for mobile browsing. We cannot guarantee proper functioning. Which is why there's a mobile version. 

Second, the matter is in the photo itself. If you upload it to your computer and try to open in some image viewer, you'll see that the photo is rotated to the left already, usually the image viewer will offer you to rotate it to see properly. 

And third, in the meantime, the software does not have a feature of rotating the image before uploading it to the server. 

20 Hours a Day
20 Hours a Day Jun 4 '14

I fully understand the limitations of the desktop versus mobile browsing.  What I'm curious about, is there a way to get the multiple photo uploads and profile picture upload mechanisms to function as well as the status update structure.  I would think that the command call for any of the uploading mechanisms could be programmed to function all the same, since one works great but the other two do not?

If we could build responsive themes that will work in harmony with each of the ecosystems, then we could relieve the heavy burden of building apps for different devices.  But I see the advantages to all sides of the equations.

Thank you!
Jordi Oct 11 '15
Hi is there any new info about this topic?
ross Team
ross Oct 11 '15
Jordi, read my reply above
Axel Svavarsson
Axel Svavarsson Feb 18 '16
This is a big issue here where I live in Denmark.

47% of all mobile phones in Denmark are iPhones and almost everyone has a iPad which they use at home. I know it's an issue which is partly created by the anchor (EXIF) tag, but it would be very nice if there was a rotate button in the Avatar section. I haven't started on the traslation of the mobile version yet so I have to rely on the desktop version. 

Best regards


OW-Ghost Mar 11 '16
hi BIG issue here to please add a feature that bee possible turn the avatars in right positions. this is not a beauty problem or something vote up its a BIG problem look people here complains about it. 

a code for turn the avatars correct should no bee any BIG issue for oxwall implement there is alot of people have this problem that we all can agree on so do something then try say there no problem because there is one just look the history here. 

there is many mobile users that use my desktop version and i not blame them because mobile version have to much limits and are not synced with all features on desktop version so please before fix mobile version bee same as desktop version add a code that you can turn the avatars correct or something that helps

thanks for the support


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Mar 11 '16
ross Team
ross Mar 15 '16
Guys, this issue is included in our roadmap, it will be probably fixed in 1.8.3 release. Thank you for your patience. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 15 '16
thank you ross for letting us know when it will be fixed 
OW-Ghost Mar 15 '16
thank for let us know this will bee fixed
Stan Mar 24 '16
Will there be an ability to rotate photos as well as the avatars?

I found this rather disturbing, that it had not been dealt with in the past.

Stan Oct 18 '16
any update?
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