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v1.2 error | Forum

shimray Jul 28 '11

I fresh installed 1.2 and everything was ok. And then i was customizing something on pages and menu. I add the 'My profile' and was adding the Terms and conditions on the bottom and then suddenly i got this error.

OW Debug - Exception
Message: Can't generate uri for empty controller/action !
File: /home/koktuico/public_html/www.kuknalim.tk/ow_core/default_route.php
Line: 49
#0 /home/koktuico/public_html/www.kuknalim.tk/ow_core/router.php(291): OW_DefaultRoute->generateUri(NULL, NULL, Array)
#1 /home/koktuico/public_html/www.kuknalim.tk/ow_core/router.php(277): OW_Router->uriFor(NULL, NULL, Array)
#2 /home/koktuico/public_html//...vigation_service.php(286): OW_Router->urlFor(NULL, NULL)
#3 /home/koktuico/public_html//...ents/bottom_menu.php(41): BOL_NavigationService->getMenuItems(Array)
#4 /home/koktuico/public_html/www.kuknalim.tk/ow_core/master_page.php(132): BASE_CMP_BottomMenu->__construct()
#5 /home/koktuico/public_html/www.kuknalim.tk/ow_core/master_page.php(56): OW_MasterPage->init()
#6 /home/koktuico/public_html/www.kuknalim.tk/ow_core/application.php(187): OW_MasterPage->__construct()
#7 /home/koktuico/public_html/www.kuknalim.tk/index.php(43): OW_Application->init()
#8 {main}
Type: InvalidArgumentException

ever since then its been like this! any idea how to resolve it???? I think its something like a bug!!!
Den Team
Den Jul 29 '11
Would you PM me with your admin and FTP details please? our dev team will check it.
Paul Jul 29 '11
I got a slightly different problem but thought I'd stick it here to save creating a new topic - I'm so considerate!!

Basically, since I've installed version 1.2, the site has gone very, very slow and I keep getting OW debug errors telling me that MySQL server has gone away (I don't know what it means because it's not like it goes to the pub for a pint!). 

Refreshing the page works usually but it's dashed annoying - it's not the server causing this because programs in other directories work fine and at normal speed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Michael Leader
Michael Jul 29 '11
It could still be the server.  I had a similar problem with my site in the early days.  It happened to be me doing backups causing the sql db to "run out of working space" as the host told me. 

Other sites may still work as they will utilise the db differently.  Give it a day or so to allow for any residual processes to finish and let the host settle.  If it continues then yes it may be a problem.

Ask the host if it looks "abnormal"
RamilZZZ Jul 29 '11

Quote from Addenster Would you PM me with your admin and FTP details please? our dev team will check it.

I have the same problem as topic starter ("Can't generate uri for empty controller/action !"), did you manage to find out the reason?
Ricardo Jul 30 '11
Same situation here.

Problem appeared just after I added "Terms of Use" in the "Bottom Menu" (Page & Menu).

Using version "1.2.1".
The Forum post is edited by Ricardo Jul 30 '11
Ricardo Jul 30 '11
I´ve just run a REPAIR command on the DB and got this:

lostinth_oxwall.ow_ads_banner                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_ads_banner_location             OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_ads_banner_position             OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_ajaxim_message                  OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_ajaxim_roster                   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_authorization_action       OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_authorization_group        OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_authorization_moderator    OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_authorization_moderator_permission OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_authorization_permission   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_authorization_role         OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_authorization_user_role    OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_avatar                     OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_billing_gateway            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_billing_gateway_config     OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_billing_gateway_product    OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_billing_product            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_billing_sale               OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_comment                    OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_comment_entity             OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_component                  OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_component_entity_place     OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_component_entity_position  OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_component_entity_setting   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_component_place            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_component_place_cache      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_component_position         OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_component_setting          OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_config                     OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_cron_job                   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_db_cache                   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_document                   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_email_verify               OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_entity_tag                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_flag                       OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_geolocation_country        OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_geolocation_ip_to_country  OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_invite_code                OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_language                   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_language_key               OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_language_prefix            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_language_value             OK
note     : The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_login_cookie               OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_mail                       OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_mass_mailing_ignore_user   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_media_panel_file           OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_menu_item                  OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_place                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_place_entity_scheme        OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_place_scheme               OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_plugin                     OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_preference                 OK
note     : The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
note     : The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_question                   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_question_account_type      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_question_config            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_question_data              OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_question_section           OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_question_value             OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_rate                       OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_remote_auth                OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_restricted_usernames       OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_scheme                     OK
note     : The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
note     : The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_tag                        OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_theme                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_theme_content              OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_theme_control              OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_theme_control_value        OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_theme_image                OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_theme_master_page          OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_user                       OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_user_disapprove            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_user_featured              OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_user_online                OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_user_reset_password        OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_user_status                OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_user_suspend               OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_base_vote                       OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_blogs_post                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_contactus_department            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_event_invite                    OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_event_item                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_event_user                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_fbconnect_field                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_forum_edit_post                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_forum_group                     OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_forum_post                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_forum_post_attachment           OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_forum_read_topic                OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_forum_section                   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_forum_subscription              OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_forum_topic                     OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_friends_friendship              OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_groups_group                    OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_groups_group_user               OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_links_link                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_mailbox_attachment              OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_mailbox_conversation            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_mailbox_file_upload             OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_mailbox_last_message            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_mailbox_message                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_newsfeed_action                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_newsfeed_action_feed            OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_newsfeed_activity               OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_newsfeed_cron_command           OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_newsfeed_follow                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_newsfeed_like                   OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_newsfeed_status                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_notifications_cron_job          OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_notifications_queue             OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_notifications_rule              OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_notifications_schedule          OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_notifications_unsubscribe       OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_ocsslider_image                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_photo                           OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_photo_album                     OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_photo_featured                  OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_photo_temporary                 OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_privacy_action_data             OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_privacy_cron                    OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_video_clip                      OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_video_clip_featured             OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_virtualgifts_category           OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_virtualgifts_template           OK
lostinth_oxwall.ow_virtualgifts_user_gift          OK

Is everything as expected?
The Forum post is edited by Ricardo Jul 30 '11
Ricardo Jul 30 '11
After "CHECK TABLE" got this messages:

Problems with indexes of table `ow_base_component`
The indexes PRIMARY and id seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.
Problems with indexes of table `ow_base_component_entity_setting`
The indexes PRIMARY and id seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.
Problems with indexes of table `ow_base_tag`
The indexes PRIMARY and id seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.
Problems with indexes of table `ow_base_theme_image`
The indexes PRIMARY and id seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.
Problems with indexes of table `ow_base_user_featured`
The indexes PRIMARY and id seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be removed.
Ricardo Jul 30 '11
Reproducing the bug:

(1) Fresh install
(2) Access Admin Area
(3) Click "Pages & Menus"
(4) Include the hidden page "Terms of use" on "Bottom Menu"
(5) Click "edit"
(6) Done! The site is gone...

Michael Leader
Michael Jul 31 '11
I followed your install test and confirm this error occurs.  I was able to press the back bar and then re-hide the terms of use button and the test site came back.

A further test rtevealed if the terms of use button is STILL in the hidden area and you click Edit on it you get this error...

Fatal error: Call to a member function getUri() on a non-object in /home/ACCOUNT/public_html/test/ow_system_plugins/admin/controllers/pages_edit_local.php on line 235
Ricardo Jul 31 '11
Hope dev team can solve this soon.
Ed Domich
Ed Domich Aug 8 '11
heeeeeeelllllllp!!!!!!! i have the same problem!!!!!!!!!!!
WhitewaterDave Aug 8 '11
Hi everyone, I'm new. Great software so far.

I had the same problem with adding the "Terms of use" page to the bottom menu. It completely shut down my site. The page is missing or linked incorrectly.
I was able to recover by making a change in the database. It's easy to do if you use phpMyAdmin to administer you database. I'll try to explain.

Back up your database first in case something goes wrong.
Click on the database on the left so it expands the list of table in the database.
Look for the table that has "base_menu_item" in its name and click on it.
Choose "browse" from the tabs at the top so you can view the content of the table.
In the table header, look for "id".
You will probably have to go to the second page of content by clicking the button that has " > " on it.
Locate "411" in the id column.
Click the pencil icon to the left of 411 in the same row. This is for editing the record.
Locate the word "type" in the column "field" in the form.
In the same row, there is a text box on the right side. It will probably say "middle". Change the value to "hidden" without the quotes.
On the bottom right corner of the form, click "Go" to commit the new value.
Your site should be functioning now.
ma3ih Club
ma3ih Aug 8 '11

Quote from Ricardo (1) Fresh install (2) Access Admin Area (3) Click "Pages & Menus" (4) Include the hidden page "Terms of use" on "Bottom Menu" (5) Click "edit" (6) Done! The site is gone...

lol like that :D
Azia Underwood
Azia Underwood Aug 8 '11
I had the same problem but I realized that it was the Terms of Use page causing the error; so it should stay hidden and DO NOT EDIT IT because you will end up getting the same error.
Den Team
Den Aug 9 '11
Thanks for extended report guys. Will check and fix it soon.
WhitewaterDave Aug 9 '11
I should have added this initially. The reason I think the Terms of Use page is missing is that when I clicked "join this site" and clicked on the "terms of service" link on the sign-up page, it came back as a "page not found" error. I'm too new to using this software to know much so I don't know where the static pages are stored.
Mike Sep 29 '11
WhitewaterDave: I love you!.. well your directions anyhow.

Any status on this Addenster?

Currently if I have the TOS set the user see a pop up with another login box. BTW.. I'm not allowing viewing to guests.
Daniel Oct 3 '11
no solution for this issue Yet? i just got the same issue
Daniel Oct 3 '11
OK great It actually read the Threat now the site is up and running thanks!