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anomalous access to -> /base/ping/index/ | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 22 '14
You will need look in top levels of the server b check pop. In I and my.cnf  files maybe u have shared memory to high and the setting in them files let it use to much 
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 22 '14
Is Apache compiled with me make and excel orator  maybe the ram set to high in them 
Saverio Aug 4 '14


Since I passed to 1.7.0 Messages plugin became too eager because included the chat feature.

I disabled the chat option from my Messages plugin, but my site still pings every 5 seconds and I can't afford this CPU cost with my hosting profile.

Then I edited the file ow_plugins/ajaxim/static/js/ajaxim.js as Ross suggested
OW_InstantChat.Handler = function(){
    var self = this;    this.handlers = {};    this.pingTimeout = 60000;
To 60 seconds but it still pings every 5 seconds.
Then I tried to edit the file ow_plugins/mailbox/static/mailbox.jsSetting the default for params.pingInterval to 60000 instead of 5000
OWMailbox.Application = function(params){
    var self = this;
    this.pingInterval = params.pingInterval || 60000;
But still pings every 5 seconds!!
The only way I got to remove this ping every 5 seconds was to deactivate Messages plugin at all.
How can I keep Private messages plugin without having this ping every 5 seconds?

Someone can help me?

tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 4 '14
u cant   with out ping reciver will not know they got message 

i still think u barking up wrong tree ping will not raise cpu by much 

the chat message plugin raises cpu by lots and they are working on the issue 
Daisy Team
Daisy Aug 4 '14
Tammy, you are right, we are still working on the Messages plugin to make it lighter and more stable.
tammy harris
tammy harris May 2 '15
way cool
Unus Mar 3 '16
ok, so, do we know a sure way how to increase the 5 seconds ping interval?

I would like play with this value and see how the overall experience changes.

thank you

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