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Question...? - Smart Captcha | Forum

Hybrid Mar 30 '14
If we have this plugin (Smart Captcha) enabled on our site, do we need to have your other plugin "Anti Brute Force"?  I have been noticing some errors in regards to this plugin stating that a certain file cannot be found relating to the Anti Brute Force.  I do not have that plugin, only this Smart Captcha plugin and was wondering if not having the Anti Brute Force plugin if this plugin still works as intended with no issues.

Would it be better to have both installed and enabled for maximum security?  Or is it okay to only have this 1 out of the 2?

Hybrid Mar 30 '14
Here is that error I keep receiving...

[30-Mar-2014 13:33:52] PHP Fatal error: Class 'ANTIBRUTEFORCE_BOL_Service' not found in /../../../ow_plugins/smartcaptcha/controllers/smart_captcha.php on line 85

Rahul Bhatt
Rahul Bhatt Oct 21 '14
I have installed plugin but captcha not displaying on signup page , is there any other setting require?
Kairat Bakitow
Kairat Bakitow Oct 22 '14
Plugin not yet support Oxwall 1.7.+ It will be fixed in nearest future.
Rahul Bhatt
Rahul Bhatt Oct 25 '14
Михаил Dec 4 '14
Кайрат, здравствуйте! Вопрос написанный на русском языке отображается иероглифами. Как это исправить? Заранее благодарен за ответ.
Kairat Bakitow
Kairat Bakitow Dec 5 '14
Quote from Михаил Кайрат, здравствуйте! Вопрос написанный на русском языке отображается иероглифами. Как это исправить? Заранее благодарен за ответ.
Здравствуйте, тут используется файл шрифтов, который расположен здесь ow_libraries/securimage/AHGBold.ttf Вы можете скачать другой ttf файл (можно здесь) и заменить выше указанный файл. После этого должны показыватся символы русского алфавита
Михаил Dec 9 '14
Кайрат, огромное спасибо за ответ, буду пробовать.
Drazen Tomic
Drazen Tomic Jan 3 '15
We are running this great plugin with 1.7.2, and Anti Brute Force, and we dont' have (or don't see) problems.
Thank you very much Kairat!

And Mihail and Kairat, thank you for the hint with the font. We had the same problem in Serbian.

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