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Private Groups - Attachments | Forum

FJK Jul 15 '14
Can you make it possible that the videos and photos of private groups are not shown in the normal newsfeed? And it is very important that you could choose wheather to show the videos and photos posted in groups in the normal newsfeed or not...! If you have a lot of groups the whole newsfeed is flooded with videos and fotos and this is a big problem...

Thanks so far

Sergey Kambalin
Sergey Kambalin Jul 15 '14

Thank you for the report. I added it into my issue tracker. I will think of how to solve the problem and will include the fix to the next update.

FJK Jul 16 '14
Ok great. Next thing I discovered on my site is that the youtube search sometimes works and sometimes it does not work. I have no idea why...
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