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Not Working? - Google Maps Location | Forum

Kev Aug 25 '14

I'm currently running this on 1.7, and all is well. However, I've just updated my dev site to 1.7.1 a long with some other plugins, and my theme. However, now this doesn't seem to be working correctly.

I start typing an address into any search field (like on events, or member search), Google Maps then finds the location, but as soon as I hover over to location to add it into the box, it disappears.

Can you please tell me if this is going to be updated to work with 1.7.1?



jk Aug 25 '14
Hi Kev Quirk,

Could you provide your dev site url?
I will test location plugin on your dev site and solve this trouble as soon as possible.

Kev Aug 26 '14
I'll PM you with the URL and admin account details. As is said, it's a development site, so feel free to make any changes you feel necessary. If you need other access, like FTP, please let me know.
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