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jquery missing[Solved] | Forum

Joey Sep 20 '14
After fresh install i see tehre is a jqueryfile missing.

Then i look here on oxwall-site and there is the same.

GET http://www.oxwall.org/...jquery-2.0.3.min.map 404 (Not Found) /ow_static/plugins/base/js/jquery-2.0.3.min.map:1

The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 22 '15
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '14
We do not use titles  with jquery version anymore, now we use just jquery.min.js this way it is easier for us to update the library. 

if you open this jquery.min.js file you see that we  source map this file: jquery-2.0.3.min.map 

 http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/introduction-source-maps read this article please

Joey Sep 23 '14
Ok, thanks for your answer.

Wich file i have to edit, so it not try to load this file?

ross Team
ross Sep 23 '14
dave Leader
dave Apr 4 '15
I know this was not just about the sign in parse error but just to disclose a bit more here i know this post is old but i could not figure out my parse error and i ran across this post in the process.  Now that i have fixed my parse error i wanted to elaborate here and share. 

Just open up  ow_static/plugins/base/js/jquery.min.js  and at the very top part of the file you will see this.. 

//@ sourceMappingURL=jquery-2.0.3.min.map

the @ is deprecated meaning that it is no longer supported so just change the @ to # so it looks like this now 

//# sourceMappingURL=jquery-2.0.3.min.map

and you might as well do the same with backbone-min.js (look at the bottom of the file) while your here. 

then save the file and try to log in again and your parse error should be gone.  This should take care of the recent parse error.  I was not sure where to post this info and rather than make a new post i just decided to update this one as i found it when i googled oxwall parse error login 

hope this helps. 

If i discover another reason i will update this post. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 4 '15
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jun 15 '15
Okay. I have this jquery error. I using Oxwall version 1.7.4.. Don't know if this is related, but I am having some issues with emails not sending out, cron appears to be sending them, but Arvixe says they aren't showing on the mail server, Arvixe had to use a custom cron. The WGET stopped working for some reason, and I kept getting a parse error when I tried making any changes. Figured I would start by eliminating errors.

"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://mysite.com/
The Forum post is edited by Darryl B Jun 15 '15
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jun 15 '15
I did see what Dave was talking about regarding the "//@" in the jquery min js file, but didn't see it in the backbone min js. I'm not having issues with login. Should I change this to "//#" just because the "//@" is deprecated?
ross Team
ross Jun 16 '15
This error has nothing to do with the cron

Where exactly do you get parse errors? What do you do to get it?

Where do you get this error: 

"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://mysite.com/
oxwall/ow_static/plugins/base/js/jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.min.js" ? 

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jun 16 '15
I see the jquery error on my site running firebug.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jun 17 '15
Just noticed that there are actually two of this same error in Firebug. I didn't realize that the 2 to the left of the line meant that there were two of them. Any idea on what is looking for this Jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.min.js?
ross Team
ross Jun 18 '15
Is that the url you're referring to: http://community.southeastswinging.com/oxwall/? Do you see that in firebug console?
The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 18 '15
ross Team
ross Jun 18 '15
We do not use this legacy version of jquery ui anymore, do you have any 3rd party plugin on your website or 3rd party theme? probably some plugin or theme try to use or include it, but the library is not in our software anymore, try to disable all 3rd party plugins and switch to the default theme and see if the issue persists. 
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jun 18 '15
Yes. I was in the process of checking the plugins, and will do the theme as well. I did find where I can download this particular file to add it to the j folder, if needed.
ross Team
ross Jun 18 '15
Do not add it, as it can break the site due to the version conflicts of the jquery. 
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jun 22 '15
Found the problem. It is with the back to top plugin. It is making a call for the "Jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.min.js". I just emailed the Dev so he can look into it.
ross Team
ross Jun 22 '15
Great. Thanks for letting us know. I'm going to mark this thread as Solved. 
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jun 30 '15
Just an update on my fix for the error. I simply took the -1.8.9.custom out and left it as jquery-ui.min.js, and all is working with no errors. The Dev is working on the correction.
ross Team
ross Jul 1 '15
THanks for the update. 
Kevin Mar 24 '17
Thanks - I had the same issue
OW-Ghost Jul 13 '17
jquery.min.js is make my site slow at google page speed insights tool ?