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user profile questions [Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Kostia Oct 3 '14
hy, little bit dont understood, i want to make as it is on left, and i know that this should be after makeing some changes in user question, but cant find what should i select ( that use question page is really misunderstanding)
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 7 '14
  im.png (66Kb)
Michael Oct 5 '14
Once logged in to your admin panel go to this page


Or in you admin panel go to the page where you create questions and then click settings at the top.

On that page will be a tick box which says "View sections as tabs"
ross Team
ross Oct 5 '14

what do you want to make on the left? the tabs titles? 

Kostia Oct 6 '14

Quote from ross Kostia, 

what do you want to make on the left? the tabs titles? 

yes, the same as on left:) i am gona trie Michael suggestion 
The Forum post is edited by Kostia Oct 6 '14
ross Team
ross Oct 6 '14
Please, let us know if this is what you tried to achieve. 
Kostia Oct 7 '14

Quote from ross Please, let us know if this is what you tried to achieve. 
yes, thanks, solved.
ross Team
ross Oct 7 '14