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Not Eligible To Remove Oxwall From Footer | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Michael Oct 15 '14
When oxwall first started taking donations to remove the footer attribute I was one of the first people to donate. I even have the emails still from Alia and have permission to remove the oxwall attribute.

I just went to the donate page and typed in our website kikcommunity.com at it says I'm not eligible.

Up until a month ago I wasnt able to update our site for nearly 12 months. Oxwall state sites that remove the attribute wont be notified of updates.

It looks to me (and I could be wrong) that somebody hasnt done there job right and as a result we were penalized for this. If this is true then I'm very disappointed with oxwall.

Michael Oct 15 '14
I would like our domain name to be added to the list so we dont get wrongfully penalized again.

I can copy and paste the emails here if you want
ross Team
ross Oct 15 '14
No need to send any e-mail. You should put your domain with www
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 15 '14