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How to Remove someone from a Group | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Dominick Oct 27 '14
How can I Remove someone from a Group. I don't see any option for that. Admin should be able to remove someone from a group and member should be able to leave a Group. Maybe there is options and I'm missing it.

Thanks in Advance

Michael Oct 27 '14
Users can leave a group by visiting the group and clicking "leave"

The site admin cant remove someone from a group without logging in to that users account
ross Team
ross Oct 28 '14

Or you can do that via phpmyadmin in ow_groups_group_user

compare the user id in ow_base_user table and group id in ow_groups_group and delete certain row

Dominick Oct 28 '14
You should consider creating an option for that in future updates, both for the Admin, and for the creator of the Group. In Skype and other Social Platforms, the creator of  a Group has an option to remove or Block members for any reason (usually inactivity). My site is for game developers and such. Such an option would be considered a given and lack of having that option is considered a weakness. Perhaps it's different for other genres of Oxwall social uses. While I don't have Groups yet, in the future it could daunting task to keep up with removal requests. 

Thanks and hope you'll consider for the future

ross Team
ross Oct 28 '14
Make  a suggestion on uservoice
ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
Dominick sorry for misleading, you can remove a user from group doing the following

In the users block in the group, click on view all button,after that you need to hover over a user you will be displayed a drop down menu with the delete option.