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need assistance[Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
zack Oct 29 '14
Hello all can you tell me how to stop  my website from shifting and reposition itself  when i enlarge the screen on my mobile devices?. As well as recommended a plugin i should use to upload videos from my own computers?
The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 2 '14
Michael Oct 29 '14
If your site repositions itself its because there is no mobile css file for your theme. If you had posted a link to your site I would take a closer look to confirm that.

Purus created a plugin for uploading videos, its $15 and worth checking out http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/276

When you upload and run videos from your own server you need other modules installed on your server to do this, I believe you need ffmpeg installed. Normally a default server from providers like hostgator etc dont come with this. You either need to request it to be installed or do it yourself if you know how

ross Team
ross Oct 29 '14
Zack, are you referring to the mobile version of the website or desktop version on mobile?

What do you mean by shifting and reposition? Please provide screenshot. 

zack Oct 30 '14
Hey mike thanks for the reply, unfortunately my laptop went down so im going to try to explain without a screen shot. Okay i wanted my website on mobile device to show as the desktop verision but the swebsite shows to small so when i enlarge the screen the hold website get push out of place. I was wondering if theres a way to fix that. 

2. Mean while i went back and changed it to mobile verison but when i did that it was very limited on capabilities compared to the desktop.  I could not even play a video or click on a link in the newsfeed. 

3.So i look around and found this plugin below can any share there experience on this plugin

http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/9393. ;

zack Oct 30 '14
Hey Micheal thanks also for the reply. I got to be honest what you explain above sounds complicated lol. But i appreciate the help, here is the website address. http://305vibe.com
ross Team
ross Oct 30 '14
Zack, we do not support desktop version on mobile devices. which is why we have mobile version. Probably it is limited in some options for now, but we are doing our best to change that. 
zack Oct 31 '14
ok thanks ross
ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
Zack, the only solution in your case is some responsive theme. 
zack Nov 17 '14
thanks ross