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Plugin Development | Forum

christian noone
christian noone Nov 7 '14
Its a big shame but i have seen less and less plugin development for oxwall and don't seem to be many active developers anymore :((

I don't want to see oxwall fail because i love it and its fresh awesome platform style :P

But looks like if the development plugins side don't  start to improve and with attracting more developers also, then it will fail :((

Den Team
Den Nov 7 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
Peatech LLC
Peatech LLC Nov 8 '14
Our development team, FoxTechs, is undergoing development on a new plugin at the moment. I too have seen a lack of any development going on. It might have something to do with the recent, usually annual uproar of the same people complaining about many plugins and that in turn could be turning developers away form making anything for the software. Or it may not.

Back in early 2013 the store was buzzing with updates and new plugins despite the fact that it just went through a major update on the software.




christian noone
christian noone Nov 8 '14
Yes is sad to see this decline in every part of oxwall except for the platform developers them self.