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Major Bug Wtih Oxwall | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Michael Nov 10 '14
This bug allows users to delete anyone's posts.

To replicate the issue you need a user that isnt admin. You then like someones elses status and that status then appears on your personal newsfeed i.e profile newsfeed. The user can then delete the status update from there newsfeed which then deletes it from the site.

This should be addressed as soon as possible in my opinion, the fix should be posted publicly so we can all fix it without waiting for an update etc

ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
this has been already reported before, we passed it to our developers, it will be fixed in the upcoming update. 
Michael Nov 10 '14
Even turning off "delete by content owner" doesnt work.

Well until the developers get around to sorting it everyone will just have to let there users run riot deleting all the newsfeed content....fun times
ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
This service does not do anything and will be removed in the upcoming update. 

Owner of the content is able and will be able to delete his/her content by default. 

Michael Nov 10 '14
Ok, cheers Ross ☺