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page updating (auto refresh) | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Dec 18 '11
is any tools that we can set for oxwall's main page, to update any change on feeds automatically? 
Ibrahim Dec 18 '11
well, I've been waiting for this too !!
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Dec 20 '11
 any answers yet.
Michael I.
Michael I. Dec 22 '11
There are no native tools for that and you can make page refreshed automatically by customizing the code only.
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Dec 23 '11
so nice
where is the code?
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Dec 26 '11
any more reply?
jeo Dec 27 '11
yh i need the code aswell?
Michael I.
Michael I. Jan 3 '12
I cannot tell you what code to modify because I don't have enough technical skills for that. All I can suggest is using JS code for auto-refresh in the Custom HTML widget. But that can be frustrating when you're composing a status and page refreshes.
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Jan 4 '12
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 5 '12
There was a post somewhere about adding an auto refresh to the site but it was pointed out the method used would refresh the whole page so in the middle of creating a post the site could in theory refresh and your typing lost. 

Alan Jan 5 '12
Yes Michael it was me that spoke about it but it was a pain to use because it affected when people were trying to post and would just refresh the page and they had to start their post again. This really needs looking into though.

Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Jan 6 '12
so this way is wrong..
jeo Jan 6 '12
isent they just a way to make the newsfeed just refresh then that way it saves time changing pages?
jeo Jan 6 '12
I fink i just found what we are all looking for :) try copy & past this code in your admin penal/css <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='(10seconds);URL=/place site url here"> i hope thats it!
jeo Jan 6 '12
and one more fing you can set a time what you want just replace 10seconds :)
Cecil Jan 8 '12
Hi folks, that looks a bit dirty in regards to its refreshing the entire page, there is a post about this also and I've also just added my request for this to be looked into at uservoice oxwall.

Check this thread and let's hope we can get a simple update for it.
Takis Jan 9 '12
Well smaller programms like sharetronix they do have an auto refresh for a new post! We must find a solution
Den Team
Den Jan 10 '12
Guys, what about posting this on our suggest board http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-suggest-ideas ? This is the best place to see how important the feature is. 
Cecil Jan 10 '12
Thx Addenster - a must have feature I think! as it's almost becoming a standard.
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