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Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Also Josh,

I done some research this is what I found, what is your opinon I'm just trying to get oxwall to function properly, if it's not needed then we don't need it.

To start or stop a Web server

You can perform this procedure using the user interface (UI) or a command line. For information about opening IIS Manager, see Open IIS Manager (IIS 7).

Using the UI
  1. Open IIS Manager and navigate to the Web server node in the tree.

  2. In the Actions pane, click Start if you want to start the Web server or Stop if you want to stop the Web server.

Using a command line
  1. Open an elevated command-line window.

  2. At the command prompt, type net stop WAS and press ENTER; type Y and then press ENTER to also stop W3SVC.

  3. To restart the Web server, type net start W3SVC and press ENTER to start both WAS and W3SVC.

JoshWho Apr 23 '15
i would just totally uninstall it.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Here is what I see in the IIS Manager 
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok, let me give it a go, I will do this from the main control panel uninstall/Programs ect . Then do a restart on the server?
JoshWho Apr 23 '15

watch this

Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Here is my list of install things on my server 
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok I uninstalled IIS From Programs control panel "IIS Rewrite Module" Performing a reboot on server now.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok, So I ran a netstat -o and got this and it says what is using port 80 would this be true? And how about where is this located?   
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
if iis is removed then apache should be using it now if it completed the install
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
They said port 80 is for tcp and that is needed to allow internet connections?
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
port 80 is your web server port. it is also your internet port it is a port for a lot of things but tcp and udp makes multiple uses with it. Your outbound port 80 u need to be free for listening to web requests. if u r unable to do that then you wont be able to use default http port. If they told you that u cant use port 80 for your website then i say it is time to get a new host. I am stunned that a host would even say that 80 is for internet use only.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Josh, I'm seeing if we can get that situated now, I'm on the phone with the data center.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok, Here is what I found and what is using port 80  
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok, So I got xampp to install and work some how idk... Lol just installed and clicked apache and installed services and there is a check and says successful. What happens now?
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
However when I click start, and again.

3:19:56 AM  [filezilla]     Successful!
3:22:05 AM  [Apache]     Problem detected!
3:22:05 AM  [Apache]     Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4!
3:22:05 AM  [Apache]     Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
3:22:05 AM  [Apache]     You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
3:22:05 AM  [Apache]     or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
3:22:05 AM  [Apache]     Attempting to start Apache service...
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
I believe I found a way to remove IIS completely
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Here is my screen shot captured from server of removal of IIS Services.

Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Removal Results after reboot  
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok apache server started up, clicked on the admin button opened the page however says status for the mysql is deactivated?
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Access forbidden!

New XAMPP security concept:

Access to the requested object is only available from the local network.

This setting can be configured in the file "httpd-xampp.conf".

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 403 cprworldwidemedia.net
Apache/2.4.12 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1l PHP/5.6.8
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