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Mass Mail Issue | Forum

Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 25 '15
For some reason when I sent out a mass email I haven't recieved it nor anyone that was in the list got it and I have check our IP and it's nice and clean like it always has been. What would be causing this issue. I have no SMTP setup so I believe it would just be using cron. Any suggestions or ideas, would be a wonderful help.
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 25 '15
if no mails get sent 
try invite your self your own email addy in admin users invite users 
if you do not recieve it you cron is not working 

also look in phpmyadmin ow base mail 
you shouls see all the mails in there 
if you can see them 
then your cron is not working 

Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 25 '15
It was working before tough, Thats the weird part. However I have access to my SMTP info, would this be a better way to go? And when using a username for ex. I'd use soso@mydomain.com not just soso correct? And if my cron wasn't working wouldn't it say it wasn't setup when I've already scheduled task in the plesk panel?
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 25 '15
Something like this? Would this be correct?
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 25 '15
Ok so I went and checked that in the mysl and looks like emails are still setting there waiting to be sent out.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 25 '15
This is how my cron is setup
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 25 '15

Quote from undefined undefined
means your cron is not working 

Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 25 '15
Hello Tammy,

I have cron setup in scheduled task. I've included the folder damn after domain.com/folder/ow_files/cron/run.php or how ever it is. But anyways it's set to look at folder. Why wouldn't the cron be working? Also I set the things all to 1 instead of *
ross Team
ross Jul 26 '15
Bobby, is Arvixe your hosting provider?
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 27 '15
I do not host with Arvixe, I actually have our own cloud servers and DNS services as well as our own mail services IMAP/SMTP. Our up time is 100%. And we are affiliated with 1and1. We work really hard on what we do. However I''ve setup SMTP and it gave me a successful message, but seems to me that it's not sending out mass emails and we have and unlimited outgoing mail setup.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 28 '15

I'm using putty I was able to run cron threw it, will it stay runing via local or do I have to run it each time that a mass email is sent out or for someone to get an email from the site? No errors in putty everything looks great, it says it sent 6 emails however I still see 5 in the box. How long does it usually take to process the q?
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 28 '15
Do I need to add the whole path what I done inside of the ssh putty to scheduled task as the command?
ross Team
ross Jul 28 '15
Cron sends 50 letters, that is the limit for one run

Yes, try to add direct path to the cron run.php as mentioned in the tutorial: https://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron

ross Team
ross Jul 28 '15
Keep us updated. 
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 28 '15

This would be my direct path to cron /usr/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/cprworldwidemedia.com/cprradio/ow_cron/run.php
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 28 '15
When I done the commands from within putty it sent out emails just fine, I then took that path put it in the command line area for the scheduled task set the minutes to 10 and set the rest with a * still no luck on pushing the emails out that remains stuck in the phpmyadmin area.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 28 '15
Should I remove SMTP details out if using cron? If so what are the SMTP details for?
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 28 '15
theres a free cron test plugin in the store 
get your cron working every minute
SMTP sends mail by what ever mail server u conect to
SMTP off send mail by php mailer 
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Jul 28 '15
Ok I'm going to download the plugin, however I have amailer that notifys me about cron. Also I changed it to every 1 minute and the rest are *. I disabled smtp should I also erase the info in there ? And save the settings.
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