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Chat box colour in 1.8 update. | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Rebecca-Jayne Sep 14 '15
Hey guys, sorry to bug again.

I'm just wondering how you can change the colour of the background to the chat box? It's barely readable for most members and just wondering how to do it please? I changed the parts underlined but that seemed to do nothing, even when I closed the chats and logged out and back in again. 

Thank you and hope to hear back from you soon.

ross Team
ross Sep 15 '15
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.
Layth Sep 15 '15
Here is solution =>> go to admin =>>edit css =>> use this code

body .ow_chat_dialog_wrap .ow_dialog_in_item p { color: #020202; }

Then go to files =>> ow_include enable DEV mode open any page then disable DEV

you can change color  as you like here color: #020202;

The Forum post is edited by Layth Sep 15 '15
Rebecca-Jayne Sep 16 '15
I didn't understand the second stage:

Then go to files =>> ow_include enable DEV mode open any page then disable DEV

you can change color  as you like here color: #020202;

Where is "files" please?

Taissa Team
Taissa Sep 21 '15
Rebecca-Jayne, you can find full instruction on how to enable DEV_mode here: https://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:enable-debug.
Rebecca-Jayne Jan 24 '16
I used this technique and it still didn't work.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 24 '16
Rebecca. You don't need to edit the base css. When you do that; any time there is a theme update you will lose your changes. Simply add the following to your themes custom css in the admin panel.

body .ow_chat_dialog_wrap .ow_dialog_in_item p {
    color: #000;
body .ow_dialog_in_item p {
    color: #000;

Rebecca-Jayne Jan 24 '16
Okay thanks! :)

and what about the background parts?

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 24 '16
The above will change the font color to black. The light blue bubble color is controlled by this. I have the color of black in the css below. Changing the background of the chat window is a bit more tricky, but can be done. The one thing to keep in mind is that some of the changes affect the chat, messages page, and the message "mail" box. The are all connected.

body .ow_mailbox_log .ow_dialog_item.odd .ow_dialog_in_item, body .ow_mailbox_log .ow_dialog_item.even .ow_dialog_in_item {
    background-color: #000;
.ow_chat_block .ow_dialog_item.even .ow_dialog_in_item, .ow_chat_block .ow_dialog_item.odd .ow_dialog_in_item {
    background-color: #000;
Rebecca-Jayne Jan 24 '16
Thank you dear that worked perfectly! :)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 24 '16
You are very welcome, and by putting it in the custom css, the updates won't affect it.
ross Team
ross Jan 24 '16
Darryl, thanks
daniel faciano
daniel faciano Feb 14 '16
disculpen que no hable ingles, yo uso el traductor de google, y leí que buscan como cambiar los colores en la conversación del chat, yo lo hice con estos códigos, .ow_dialog_item.odd .ow_dialog_in_item {

background: #ffffff;

-webkit-border-radius: 15px;


.ow_dialog_item.even .ow_dialog_in_item {

    background: #80DEEA;

-webkit-border-radius: 15px;


body .ow_chat_dialog_wrap .ow_dialog_in_item p {color: #000;}

solo copien y peguen este código, espero que les sirva 

ross Team
ross Feb 14 '16
Daniel, this is English forum please use only English language
Akeem Feb 18 '16
Is there a way to distinguish between colors of who is talking?
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Feb 18 '16
@ Akeem. Sure. Instead of having the odd, and even, that I listed above, on one line you simply break them out on separate lines, and assign different colors.
ross Team
ross Feb 19 '16
Darryl +1
George Apr 3 '16
Darryl, what do you mean by "having the odd, and even, that I listed above, on one line you simply break them out on separate lines, and assign different colors." I am confused. I don't know what to do.
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Apr 3 '16
To make the chat bubbles different colors the css will look like this. This will change the chat bubble on the messages page, and in the in chat window. Copy, and paste this to your custom css for the theme in the admin panel. You can set the colors to what you like. To change font colors look at the reply earlier in this thread.

body .ow_mailbox_log .ow_dialog_item.odd .ow_dialog_in_item {
    background-color: #fff176;
body .ow_mailbox_log .ow_dialog_item.even .ow_dialog_in_item {
    background-color: #42a5f5;
.ow_chat_block .ow_dialog_item.even .ow_dialog_in_item {
    background-color: #42a5f5;
.ow_chat_block .ow_dialog_item.odd .ow_dialog_in_item {
    background-color: #fff176;
George Apr 3 '16
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