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Advice for 3rd party developers - try to work as a team | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Peter Oct 7 '15
Dear developers, please make sure your plugins and themes are compatible with the others. (top sellers). Try to cooperate and work as a team. I'm sure it will be a great benefit to the community, because for now, the store is like "wild west" :)

Have a nice day!
The Forum post is edited by Peter Oct 7 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 8 '15
some of them are good and work together on conflicts
but others just dont care there plugin conflicts with others or even if there plugin dont work all they care about is there plugin is in the store and ppl are buying is all they care about

as the developers have no rules to adhere to no guidelines as to standards plugins must reach
theres ended up being so much crap in the store well over 60% is just pore crap

oxwall has known this and many other huge issues here but chooses to do nothing about it