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Question on "Invite New Members" (can I Add manually?) | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Simon Goland
Simon Goland May 15 '16
As an admin of a private site, I have disabled self-registration completely. The site is private because it is for an online Community of Practice for people who have participated in retreats that I lead - only.

Hence, I only use the Invite New Members option, when people tell me they want to join the online community.

The problem is that it seems that some of them don't receive any email invitation, and some others receive it after a delay of a day or two (or even more). I wonder whether:
1) there is a way for me to track these invites, somehow knowing when they are sent and received?
2) there is a way for me to add a user manually. I saw a couple of plugins that seem to do it, yet the reviews are mixed.


Darryl B Leader
Darryl B May 15 '16
I don't know of a way to track the emails, but the plugin below works fine for on the spot user creation. It works with account types. They can access the site with the account credentials that you created. If you have email verification enabled, they will still receive the email to verify their registered email. They will show in the "unverified" list in the admin panel. There is now another plugin to re-send a verification email, if needed.

User Add

Resend Verification Email
OW-Ghost May 15 '16
The delay is probably you host email server or you smtp email server that creates.

But it can bee that you invite emails are have content that not follow any email spam rules about what content that will pass spam filters or your email ip is have bad reputation.

Try send you invites to this email tracker http://www.mail-tester.com/ There you can see time stamps and follow the path of you invites emails.
You can use SMTP service to track emails if they will bee received or not received and follow up if someone click you emails or open them and other useful settings. for example someone block you email or report you emails as spam you can see that to

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost May 15 '16
dave Leader
dave May 15 '16
If you are on a VPS or DED server you can check the server email logs to see when exactly the email was sent by the server to their email client.  From that point on its a crap shoot depending on email client and type of email (as in mass email or not)

Simon Goland
Simon Goland May 15 '16
Thank you for this info and ideas, dave, Maяcus, and Darryl B. Off investigating...
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B May 16 '16
P.S. This prompted me to check mine again since I had recently sent a couple of Invites. I found that the server emails that I was using have no rdns which was kicked back by one of my mail servers that I sent an invite to as a test. I switched it up to a google mail account, and they went right in, after the cron ran of course.

Go to Admin Panel » Settings » Main Settings » SMTP tab.

Fill in the form.

  • Enable - check the box.
  • Host:Port - smtp.gmail.com : 465 OR 587
  • Username - your gmail address.
  • Password - your password to gmail account.
  • Secure connection
  • If you specify port 587, select TLS.
  • If you specify port 465 select SSL.

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