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Plugins available not install | Forum

Ademar Moraes
Ademar Moraes Jun 12 '16
I have installed Oxwall in localhost for testing and everything works fine, except to install plugins. On plugins panel already have available plugins, but when going to install, not install. When trying to install I have this message: ADMIN + MANAGE_PLUGINS_SERVER_INVALID_RESPONCE_ERROR_MESSAGE

Taking advantage here the topic created also downloaded smileys the Store and also does not install. What can it be?

ross Team
ross Jun 13 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
ross Team
ross Jun 13 '16
please enable php_openssl module on your local server, restart the server and see if the issue with installing plugins persists
Ademar Moraes
Ademar Moraes Jun 13 '16
Thanks Ross! The module was php_openssl comment, so it was not working and I took the comment to activate it. But created another problem; uninstalled Oxwall and was installing again and reaching the finish, where we mark the plugins to be installed noprocesso facilities, does not continue. Click on FHINISH button does nothing and does not continue the installation. Please guide me again? Also in the installation manual says: "Copy and paste the code and replaces the existing file with the ow_includes / config.php." https://wiki.oxwall.com/install:manual_installation I did not understand this request on the wiki manual, I am totally lost! See the image
The Forum post is edited by Ademar Moraes Jun 13 '16
  oxwall.png (227Kb)
ross Team
ross Jun 14 '16
Ademar, we just installed Oxwall on local server, no issues with the plugin installation step. If you want to I can send you screenshots. Something is wrong on your side. What are you using wamp? xampp? Windows? Linux? any other OS? what browser? browser version? 
Ademar Moraes
Ademar Moraes Jun 14 '16
Thanks Tammy! I do the installation process, my server is shown all ok and during installation is not asked for anything. But when it comes in the final installation screen where we have to point out the plugins, I click fhinish but nothing happens. Also, the installation did not ask me this: Copy and paste the code that replaces the existing with ow_includes / config.php file. I saw this tutorial on the wiki on this url: https://wiki.oxwall.com/install:manual_installation Thank you for your attention and I'm sorry for the language, because I am Brazilian and I am using google translator to post here. If you have any idea of this problem, please let me know!
Ademar Moraes
Ademar Moraes Jun 14 '16
Rossi Hello! Thank you too for your attention. I'm trying to install on my computer to set up the best possible way before you install on a hosting provider. I'm using Xampp as my local server. I've done since the installation with it and everything worked. But when I switched Oxwall the Default theme for another theme, showed me just a blank page. I made several attempts to fix the problem but had no choice but to uninstall. Now I'm not getting the installation again. Everything works fine on the installation until you reach the screen where we have plugins to mark them and then click to complete the installation. But when I click to complete, does not continue. I hope you can help me because Oxwall loved and wanted to put it online. Let me ask you: I can post here in the forum using my own language? It's what I use google translator, I do not know English :)
ross Team
ross Jun 14 '16
Ademar, this is English section of the forum, you must post in English, otherwise you won't get any reply. 

As to the installation - as I said, yesterday I installed Oxwall on xampp on windows 10 and I didn't get any issue. 

Did you use the same database, while reinstalling? 

Did you empty it before installation? 

Try to install the software from scratch? new database etc. 

Ademar Moraes
Ademar Moraes Jun 15 '16
Yes Rossi, created new database. Also I changed the server xampp mamp and nothing has worked yet. Rossi, in ow_includes folder has two files that are "config.php" and "config.php.default". It is normal these two files in the installation? Forgive me my insistence here, but I want very Oxwall! I can not afford to buy the Premium version.
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jun 15 '16
You need to take a look at your apache errors log, it's difficult to know what could be happening, I think that maybe you need to increase the maximum execution time in php.ini.

The config.php needs +rw permisions, when you are trying to install oxwall its going to write the configuration in that file, also the user/password in your mysql server needs to be not blank.

Ademar Moraes
Ademar Moraes Jun 15 '16
Senior, thank you. I did everything but increase the maximum execution time. But I think that's not the point of run-time because the problem occurs on the screen to mark the plugins to complete the installation. Senior, because in the ow_includes folder has two files: the "config.php" and "config.php.default"? I also did a test. delete define ( 'OW_INSTALL_PLUGINS', false); and also define (OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_plugins'.DS 'OW_DIR_PLUGIN'); and the installation was done. I opened the site and all right, but the site was without many of the actions performed by plugins that I removed from being installed. Senior has a software, TeamViewer, which gives access to another person's computer and use it. You agree to access my computer and try to install it for me? I really want Oxwall as my social network and so I need to see it on my XAMPP or MAMP server before putting it into a hosting provider. Please, I hope your decision! I also tried installing the Hostinger and gave the same problem!
The Forum post is edited by Ademar Moraes Jun 15 '16