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Customers extorting free work for positive reviews. | Forum

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Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 22 '16
I am not ok with this guy using phoney feedback as a tool to try and get our team to provide free work.  Here is the transcript of the issue. Please help me out with this DEN. thanks 

Oxwall AccessoriesI do not understand why you would leave such feedback without contacting our company first. What can we do to help you get this installed and get that feedback to 5 stars?


tell me steps to upload it?

screen shot is attached.

see bottom right corner.

What is the bug?

screenshot.jpg(109KB)04:15AMSagarwhy r u not replying now?

if u r unable to solve the problem please refund my money.

12:31PMOxwall AccessoriesI would try to install through admin panel. I dont see why your server would say its a virus its obviously not. Let me know if that works 


it is uploaded now but not working properly so please help me. I read your read me file but still not working. I uploaded video but it is not showing. you can check the working

here   www.socialsarai.com

please make it fast.

03:44PMOxwall AccessoriesI need admin details. 
08:26AMSagarusername - axxxx

password - xxxxxxx

please notify me when completed on my personal mail - xxxxxxxxl@gmail.com

or on my contact - +91-xxxxxxxxx


09:36PMOxwall Accessories

401. That’s an error.

Error: invalid_client

The OAuth client was not found.

Request Details

That’s all we know.

I would assume from googles 404 error that you didn't finish one of the steps properly. It is a little tricky. The videos are on your server but because google can't verify the Oauth client ID they are not uploading to your youtube account.  

d) Then on left menu click Credentials.

e) Click New Credentials buttons and select OAuth Client ID

I) Select "Web application" in Application type

II) Put some name into Name field, like "Youtube Proxy"

III) In Authorized redirect URIs put 2 addresses. your_oxwall_site is obviously address of your oxwall page

- your_oxwall_site /youtubeproxy/upload

- your_oxwall_site /admin/plugins/youtubeproxy

IV) Ignore Authorized JavaScript origins

V) Save it



Now error is 400.

I m not able to configure this.

if u could configure it for me so

these are the details

gmail id - sxxxxxxxxl@gmail.com

password - xxxxxxxxx


08:00AMOxwall AccessoriesI am sorry sagar But I can not set up the accounts for you. If you want to maybe purchase an hour of support I would be happy to but I can not put any more time into this as the directions are clear. 

I did check the plugin and it is working properly when I put my client ID and such in. 

I do hope you understand I am not trying to be rude.

09:15AMOxwall Accessories

working with me lead developer on this.  Here is his suggestion

The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Accessories Jun 22 '16
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 22 '16

[10:08:44 AM] B @ Home: well, just write him why it is not working and that it might be server/php issue

[10:09:06 AM] B @ Home: I would not want to mess with his installation, so ideally he needs to sort it out.

[10:09:42 AM] B @ Home: it is a bit outside of our services

[10:09:51 AM] B@ Home: there are a number of things which might cause this

[10:11:02 AM] B @ Home: it could ipv6

[10:11:15 AM] B @ Home: which might confuse curl

[10:11:22 AM] B @ Home: or no support of ssl in php

[10:11:25 AM] B @ Home: or firewall

[10:12:01 AM] B @ Home: ppl from https://groups.google.com//forum/ agree that it is caused by ipv6

[10:13:44 AM] B@ Home: and to be able to identify what is real problem we need ftp access to be able to run some checks

Apr 14

08:31AMSagarCan u help me out with this?

10:56AMOxwall AccessoriesI would need site and ftp details. I would also rewuest that you change your feedback. :)

Apr 1908:44AMSagar

my admin panel details are with u they are same.

and my cpanel details are


user - wxxxxxxxx

password - xxxxxxxxxxxxx(


don't worry I will surely change feedback.

once plugin start working properly. :)

Apr 2001:38AMOxwall Accessoriesyou are still running php version 5.4.3510:18AMSagarno i m using php 5.610:19AMSagaryesterday only i checked it on server Oxwall Accessories

Ok you do have php 5.6

I have put a test script on your site


 it indicates that 443 outbound port is blocked by your server

that is something your provider should enable, I cannot alter your firewall settings

Apr 2212:04PMOxwall AccessoriesHow did that work out for ya?

Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 22 '16
May 2404:17AMSagar

sir now even my license key is not working.

please resolve the issue as soon as possible.

now I hv changed my hosting as per ur requirements.


Liscence key is working now..
The authentication problem is still there
When will the update for 1.8.3 be launched ?

Jun 1506:47AMSagar

Do you want to give support now for the plugin earlier issue was solved by my hosting provider. the solution was different. we had to open less secured app access in our google account.

and now a new issue is there video uploads till 100% but then an error comes and video does not uploads.



Jun 1910:13PMOxwall AccessoriesSagar with our level of support on this issue and with it not being the fault of our plugin we would ask that you change your feedback before we continue any further


I will not change the review at any cost till my plugin starts working, once the plugin is going good I will surely help you out with the type of review you want.

For now, Just stop cracking a deal with me saying that change or edit the review and I can help you out and just literally help me out so that the plugin starts working and I can provide you with major star ratings.

And yeah, if I forgot to mention, just help me out with the plugin or I can help you out with the review just by providing this screenshot to people so that they will also know what tricks do you use after a person buys your plugin with trust.

After that I think you might get the best review of your plugin by the people themselves!

12:21PMOxwall AccessoriesWe have spent many hours trying to fix your system to handle oxwall. The issues you have are not because of our plugin. I would be more then happy to have you post this public and let everyone see us try and help you even though our plugin is not an issue and your host is.  03:02PM
dave Leader
dave Jun 22 '16
To be fair to both parties here i have an opinion on both sides.  First it sounds like all the customer wants is for his plugin to work, that is not asking too much. If you cant get it to work even with his system issues, then give him a refund and be done with it.  Or roll up your sleeves and help him get it working. 

This is where everything we say and tell people comes to light, we as developers either live up to our words or we don't and either way someone either wins or loses.  

It sounds like you AO are the one that is trying to bargin here, i never ever ever ask anyone to give me a great review if i fix a problem.  I fix the problem and then after everything is working then i ask them if they would modify their review.  I never say good or bad i just ask them if they would be kind enough to modify it, and i leave it up to them to do what they feel.  That is how you earn and get respect from customers. 

If someone has not ever given a review i might ask them to do one but i never suggest what that reveiw should be, that is up to them. 

So i feel AO that you could have handled this much better and not tried to bargain for a good review in order to help them.  That has been your problem all along around here is that you want something every time you give something, that is not how this works. 

The customer comes first, please write that on a piece of paper and stick it on your computer.  I never said the customer is always right, because its not true, but the customer always comes first. 

Now as per the customer yes he was wrong for doing the same but you brought it up first AO.  You lost control over this situatuation very early and you let it get out of hand when you could have kept him calm and assured and got him going or offered a refund. 


The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 22 '16
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 22 '16
We have spent over 3 weeks trying to fix his system. His crom is not working and that causes everything on his site to not work. The plugin was checked by oxwall and works when manually firing the cron. We do not have the ability to spend that much time on one site when its clear the user is having many issues and none of them are the fault of said plugin. 

If you check the feedback it stated that our plugin is a virus. 

We do not want potential oxwall customers to think that the administration team here would approve a virsus for sale in the store.  I have never argued any feedback I have received to date and almost always reach out to offer to help.  As you can see we have been working with him for almost 3 weeks for free to try and help his cause. 

Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 22 '16
As for the rest of your insults to our business Dave get a life already. Write it on a piece of paper and stick it to your computer. Your insults are not going to drive me away from the community I have been helping in many cases for free for years before you even showed up. Grow up. 

dave Leader
dave Jun 22 '16
I was not insulting you, i was addressing the issue at hand and i only mentioned that it is a pattern with you because it is, that is a fact that preceeds me.  

Per the issue you never once and it was a good way to save face if you had, was to say something like. 

"it appears that our plugin will not work on your current system setup, we will be happy to offer you a full refund"

That would have not only calmed him down but also he may have very likely refused it and said no lets work this out if we can.  That is the moment you lost this relationship with him, and so he got madder and madder. 

I do admit that there are folks out there that exploit service but the person on the other end of that phone "you" is responsible to manage that call and take care of that customer, either help them, or say here is a refund, when you get your system up to speed let us know as we would love to have you as a customer again one day. 

That is how you take care of business.  Not by bargaining, but then again i dont know if you have ever really gotten it all these years because you keep doing the same thing, money first, reward first, gimme gimme gimme...  

I am not trying to insult you i am trying to get you to open your eyes and see exactly what is happeing here.  And i hope you take it in that way.   If not well then all i can do is say i made an effort to help you. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 22 '16
dave Leader
dave Jun 22 '16
Also as long as you have been around here you know that if a review is horribly abusive and incorrect to that extreme then you can write the moderation team and have them help you with that.  

 I am not trying to get you out of the community, you will eventually do that all on your own without any help from anyone.  Especially if you dont listen to what people are trying to explain to you about this sort of thing.  

I have better things to do than to worry about what AO is doing today, but i will say that myself and others share the same feeling that if you just packed up and left, you would not be missed. But that is your own doing, not ours and not customers, that is the hole you dug by doing some of the things you have done along the way. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 22 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jun 22 '16

If the real problem is not the plugin, your support is not needed anymore, just send him a refund and remove his plugin key, that's is the right thing to do.

You see, if the client is not capable of make it work properly, he should hire someone who do all the configurations. But for free, you can't force that the developer configures all the website, his youtube account, ssl or whatever is needed in the server.

Support means get him all the information that he needs to fix his problem with the plugin, not do it all for him.

All the time spent is money that you cant get because you are working in something in which you have none responsability on.

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jun 22 '16

I'm new here and don't know how all of you work here, I'm sorry if my words offend to anyone.

I don't expect to be rude but you are the only responsible for your client. If the plugin is not working, you can keep the bad review or refund him.
dave Leader
dave Jun 22 '16
Yes not everything that was done here was bad, they did give him (the customer) information and tried to help guide him.  But since the title of the post is what it is.  Then that is what i was addressing.   A customer that is not a customer today, might be a customer another day, you want to keep that alive even if you have to back away now and give them a refund.  

And i didnt find anything you said rude SD.  Honest but never rude. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 22 '16
Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Jun 22 '16
In some web stores you can reply to the client review, so you dont refund and keep the things clear. Instead of erase reviews, that is something better.
The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Jun 22 '16
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