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Invoice for accounting? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Matthias Jul 6 '16
Hello everyone,

I purchased a plugin for my website via the store. Now I need the invoice for my accounting but I can´t find it anywhere (No Email attachments or search in this forum and website had any results)

Can someone tell me where to find it? Thank you in advance!


OW-Ghost Jul 6 '16
You mean you need a license key(code) for install you plugin?

If it is the license key then go to oxwall store then click "my purchases" in the Top 

There you find all license keys to you plugins that you buy at oxwall store.

Sorry my bad english :))

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 6 '16
Steve Jul 6 '16
@Marcus I think he is talking about a sales receipt.

Example if I buy something from let's say ebay or amazon when I click on finalize transaction I receive an email from them and it is a receipt showing me the cost of the item and how much it cost me to have it shipped and the total cost that was charged to my credit card.

The Forum post is edited by Steve Jul 6 '16
OW-Ghost Jul 6 '16
Okey...paypal is the one who send out that email i guess
dave Leader
dave Jul 6 '16
Matthias, check your paypal email account you will recieve a confirmation from paypal for your purchase there.  +1 Steve
OW-Ghost Jul 6 '16
Okey...paypal is the one who send out that email i guess
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 6 '16
Matthias Jul 7 '16
Thank you so much guys for your fast replies! Yes, I was looking for the sales receipt (incl. VAT etc) for the purchase. I will check with my accounting if the paypal-receipt is enough for them.

Thanks again, great forum here with lots of helpful posting (this was my first question here). 


dave Leader
dave Jul 7 '16
glad to help, come back if you need some more help. 
OW-Ghost Jul 7 '16
Im here to help always .
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.