The real amount is 100 members is the max oxwall script can handle
The amount is worked out by at what total of users oxwall can handle before you start lose members from so slow site loading
On shared hosting no plugin 30 members become friends and your load times are over a minute and you lose just as many members as you gain
Thats a limit
One even posted 10 friends made dashboard page over 1 minute to load
Oxwall can not see tbese problems because skadate does not use friends system
I can show u massage after mesage from ppl leave here its all the same
I have 50 or 200 members and there all complane on speed problems and are leave my site i gove up and am leaving nothing is ever fixed here
If some of the biger problems can be fixed and oxwall is willing to work on make things better then il stay
N if they will fix things and want work together il even promice to bite my tongue lol
The test needs to be done on a new install, no third party plugins, no additional js or jquery.
Do you really expect me to set a test site up spend days regester accounts and make activaty on each of them just to show something this huge of a problem
This is why oxwall is lose so much money
This is why theres no one here
And i have proven to oxwall 4 years ago this problem they have seen the problem
Oxwall needs turn admin off and stop there demo from reset and ask ppl to join it
Thats if theres 50 ppl left here
So its now up to oxwall to decide to fix it or abandon the script
Its not hard if you actual get off ur ass n try
Ask ross what there answer was when he told them of this problem or is the problem oxwall is not being told of the problems and thats why nothing gets fixed
Its time to put all the bs to the side n tear down the stone wall