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Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 17 '16
Yes. So to simplify what you are asking for is to add an age field to accompany the birth date field, and the admin be able to set a min and max age.

That can still be manipulated by the user though. If a site is telling them they have to be 21 to enter, they will simply put 21 in the field, and a birth date that correlates to that.  Basically if someone wants to get in they will.
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
no i not want add a age field...

in my mobile apps they solved it they are made from skalfa same team working here. 

you can not lower the date of birth values in my mobile apps so it comes under the date of birth so you get age 17.

for example: if you do that in the software you should get a red text says not correct birth date values or something and it will not possible continue with the sign up process. i think it is not a complicated issue to solve for people that programming everyday but it depends how much interesting you are to solve the issues

they solved it already in my skalfa mobile apps but not on they oxwall platform or skadate platform

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 17 '16
Got it. I'm sure they will be working on the avatar rotation feature. From looking at the birth date field. Instead of having the year range setting just have a minimum age field there, and add code to verify that the entered birth date meets that criteria down to the day. If a person turns 21 tomorrow, and ties to sign up today, they can't get in. That one may be a bit more complicated, but I'm no coder.
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
im not sure how they solved it in mobile apps but there is something there that tells if you try input incorrect birthday values 
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 17 '16
There is a post on uservoice that is about the age limit, and mentions the same thing I just said. Have you been there to cast a vote for it? I just did.

Anitaku Jul 17 '16
Can't you set what years the age drop down allows. I have mine set to have nobody under 13 years of age to join because here is no year clickable to let them be 12. If a 12 year old wants to join, they will just put their age a year older (and lie) which is what every other social network is like. 

Oxwall is not dating software Marcus and you need to be a bit more respectful of those helping (whether you like the answer or not) other wise nobody will be interested in helping you. If you want dating software for oxwall, use skadate. If you do, there is separate support for that and as stated many times, they don't support skadate here, that's why it's a separate site. 

I know you want things fixed but you come here demanding things be done to suit your needs even though the software is free. Yet you take the script, demand specific changes and expect to be a successful site without having your own developer to make custom modifications. 

Sick of seeing your mass amounts of spam as you think of each thing. Tammy was right in so many cases, and so are you sometimes, yet you both spam the boards expecting it to bring results. 
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
i need have a quickly fix because the internet police not waiting me 1 year for fix that before they tell i have under age girls on my website. and it easy to see if my profiles have value 17 
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '16
We only have so many votes to spare, we cant vote on everything.   Also just because i have a test site now does not mean that i dont care.  You do understand that the team is small right.  You do understand that it takes them a long time finish goals right.  And no they are not going to hire more people that i know of. We have to deal with things the way they are. It will take time..  And yes i know some of the issues are old.. But i dont control that, they will get to them when they can.  
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
now dave was wake up when he see someone jump on me
The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '16
no marcus i have been working on a plugin and just checked in... thats all. 
The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 17 '16
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 17 '16
Here's one for the avatar rotate feature request.

OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
"Oxwall is not dating software Marcus and you need to be a bit more respectful of those helping (whether you like the answer or not) other wise nobody will be interested in helping you."

Phil why can you buy plugins here that make you oxwall website like a dating software? can you answer that? do you think there is no possible to transfer a oxwall website to a dating website?skdate sell they dating plugins here at oxwall maybe you not see that?

yes i know i should not ask help from oxwall team about my skadate website that are 98% same as a oxwall website but if people want help me and they not from oxwall team why do you have problem with that? and i was not ask for help phil i just wanted to know when they are solve the issues that have been for a long time. if i was ask for help i can not ask oxwall team for help that have ross told me already but it was okey ask help from others. and phil oxwall and skadate have same core so there is not much that not are same

Phil was Dave interesting to help me? he told me he have no solution and that he do not know how to solve my problem. if you read topic from start

darryl have been interesting to help me and have i been no good to him? can you explain more in detail how i was not respectful to him or dave. please explain here phil before you jump on someone like you are doing right now.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
"you come here demanding things"

explain what i demanding phil explain for me

i just bring up 2 issues and ask when they will bee fixed i feel it is you that demanding me to stop bring up issues and stop doing that and that is there some rule that says i can not bring up issues ?

"Spam the board?" 

how many topic have i post here this month? i think 1 topic and you tell i spam the board and this was my topic you did not need read that 1 topic of 100 topics if you feel like that

"successful site without having your own developer to make custom modifications." 

This was something new, do i need my personal developer for success? no i not need that Phil i can hire someone if i need but i not need a personal one for success maybe bigger websites can hire a personal one that have so much money to do that

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Anitaku Jul 17 '16
"Oxwall is not dating software Marcus and you need to be a bit more respectful of those helping (whether you like the answer or not) other wise nobody will be interested in helping you."

Phil why can you buy plugins here that make you oxwall website like a dating software? can you answer that? do you think there is no possible to transfer a oxwall website to a dating website?

Ok, so i didnt say you cant make oxwall into a dating site which is how you read that somehow. I said that oxwall is not dating software. Skadate is dating software using oxwall's core. It is first and foremost a social network, when you install it, and before you even get that far, it boasts of its social network capabilities and the title when you first install even says {sitename} - social network. 

Wordpress is blogging software, yet it is used for all types of different projects. They have free and paid plug ins allowing you to make it whatever you like. There is nothing wrong with having plug ins that give you a choice in how you want your social network to work. 

yes i know i should not aks help from oxwall team about my skadate website that are 98% same as a oxwall website but if people want help me and they not from oxwall team why do you have problem with that?

now, i said.. Marcus and you need to be a bit more respectful of those helping (whether you like the answer or not) other wise nobody will be interested in helping you.

How is that me having a problem with people helping you? My problem is the way you treat people like dave after he has helped you on so many occasions with things, for free. You need to cool it and act a bit more professional (or atleast like a mature adult) otherwise you're perfectly legitimate suggestions will be ignored purely because of the way you bring them up. 

"Spam the board?" 

how many topic have i post here this month? i think 1 topic and you tell i spam the board and this was my topic you did not need read that 1 topic of 100 topics if you feel like that

Go through your previous posts and count how many times you post in forums compared to anyone else. yet, you go around in circles with your arguements. Like dave said, just use the edit button instead of posting 4 times to get 1 point across. (its not even a big deal, was just saying it because going through 4 pages of stuff to read whats going on, just to have 2.5 pages being you going around in your circles again can be a bit irritating).

My point in that post is that you need to be a bit more respectful and stop expecting things to be fixed instantly, unless you're willing to pay someone to do it (that's business..)

OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16

you did not answer all my questions Phil only the ones you wanted answer let me know if you want to know what question you did not answer

my point is that i was not demand anything phil my point was that i need to know if this issues is on the road map or not because this issues hurt my business very much because not only me can see the issues everyday

and under age girls is not good to have if you have stated that you business is for 18 years old clearly but still people on my site are 17 years old when someone sign in to my website. and yes you can never stop people from lie about the age it is not easy but all i wanted was some solution that it was not possible enter birthday values so you not get 17 years old girls on you website it much easier then i delete everyone that input they are 17 years old

but there is solutions on this but again it is how much interesting you are to fix it it is not in the road map that why i ask when it will bee fixed

all i said was in 1 year maybe internet police have notice that i have under age girls on my site and punish my site for that

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Anitaku Jul 17 '16
The more you share on the solutions to the problem you're facing the better chance you have of it being implemented. Share what you know on solving it please. :)

Can you not just set it in the birthday section on sign up so they cant select anything past 1998 (18 years old) ?

The only other thing i can think to stop having underage girls on your site is to have moderators check profiles, implement a verification process to prove their age before unlocking most/important features, make sure you are covered in your terms page and make it super obvious before, during and after sign up that it is 18+ only and anyone underage will be removed by moderators.

What more can you do than that?

OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Phil thank you for try help me but i think Darryl was on the right track how to solve it and yes dave was on the right track to not forget you Dave :)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jul 17 '16
I found that age verify script I mentioned earlier. It's easy to set up on your site. I just tried it, and it works well. If they get passed that then they can proceed.

OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
Thank you Darryl B for bring up that

But i not want a verification process on my website i want same as my mobile apps have impossible input birth date values so you get age 17.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 17 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 17 '16
Phil,  some forums i belong to have implemented a feature that does not allow people to make a new post unless someone has replied to thier first post. This forces them to edit their posts instead of making new ones if they have afterthoughts.  Not sure if that would be possible here but it would be a good idea. 
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