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Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
ross Team
ross Jul 18 '16
Marcus, by asking this question you imply that Oxwall team should answer your question as the none of the community members is aware whether this bug is reported or when it's going to be fixed, right? 

I already noted you that we do not provide assistance to Skadate clients, you should forward all your requests to Skadate support team. 

The issues you asked about have been reported to our devs and will be fixed in the nearest future. If you don't want to wait, you will need to fix it on your own or hire a programmer to do that for you. You can contribute your solution to our public oxwall repository. 

OW-Ghost Jul 18 '16
"yet you both spam the boards expecting it to bring results. "

Phil what result have you bring here? Can you tell something that you have done here that come from you? and later you can ask me the same question 

I have complain several months there is no smiley plugin here at oxwall that working good. the developer that was make the smiley plugin have see all this complains and want to do something about it and now there is one smiley plugin in store that works good. i have been a main "part" just a part i not tell i was alone to make him develop this smiley plugin but he have asked me many things how we wanted the plugin work and wat features we wanted. i can not take all credits that is was me who did make sd do this plugin but i was a "part" of that. and SD should have all credits in world for create that plugin that works really good.

In next SEO update with the core i have bring result with my complains.

I have bring up many problems about multilingual websites that now oxwall have solved in next update and you should not take part of that in my opinion because you not like i bring up issues over and over again...you just someone that think issues solves if you are quiet here on the forum and jump on people

give me something you have been part of to make changes in oxwall core and i will respect you more then you bullshit talk about me that you could not handle and was going back to you cave again. you could not even answer all my question you jump over 25% of them because you did not know what to answer me. that shows that you not so strong...

"successful site without having your own developer to make custom modifications." 

This was something new, do i need my personal developer for success? no i not need that Phil i can hire someone if i need but i not need a personal one for success maybe bigger websites can hire a personal one that have so much money to do that

and this is for Phil to answer not for Dave to answer or another developer...he can answer for him self i hope 

And for protecting Tammy that can not answer here her self she have several months or was it years? complains about there was no "alt tag" in images . now that is solved to and i think she was main part to make that issue solved here. The programmers that make it possible we can not forget give credits for them at oxwall team.

And Tammy have been main part of try get better SEO on oxwall in my opinion he have been strong here and many times brings up issue about seo here.

We all need Tammy here she have done some great work bring up issues all the time but it is never okey offend someone i want point that again 

And notice i talking about "part" there is always other that can take the credit to the developers that make the code should have same credits to because it is someone who make all this code and we not need forget them 

So i will thank Oxwall Team and skalfa for adding great updates here at oxwall 


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 18 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 18 '16
I really dont have any more to say other than, its a she not a he marcus... you keep calling her a him.. its a she....  And now i am out of words on this topic... 
Anitaku Jul 18 '16
Arguing with you Marcus is like playing chess with a pigeon. 

I don't need to prove to you what I've contributed here haha. 

Lol. So childish..
The Forum post is edited by Anitaku Jul 18 '16
OW-Ghost Jul 18 '16
You not good at chess Phil W if you loose chess with a pigeon (like me).

Adults can talk ...child can not talk they are uselly only get angry and leave...and very hard to discuss things

okey Phil if you have nothing more to say then we done here :)  

I done here too Dave and Phil :)

And for you 2 guys happiness i will now stop post on this forum for a very long time...i hope someone will miss me :O)

Peace everybody! my wife and my 1 year old baby is waiting for me and it is the best thing you can have in the world a family that you can trust 100%

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jul 18 '16
Anitaku Jul 18 '16
Lol. Just not interested in arguing.
Moving on with the hope you got my point in all of this. 

Safe wishes Marcus
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