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APC not support on Php 5.4 and above - OxArt Speed Optimizer | Forum

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Jul 28 '16
Hi Sir,

As you know oxwall runs on Php 5.5 my hosting says they recommend not to use APC. The they recommend DSO/ModRuid2 or FastCGI, can you update your plugin to support DSO/ModRuid2 or FastCGI ?


We will be happy to assist you with a caching solution. APC is not recommended for PHP versions over 5.4. You are currently running PHP 5.5. The recommended solution is Zend OpCache and is a better caching solution. This will require an Apache/PHP recompile and change of your PHP handler to either DSO/ModRuid2 or FastCGI. I highly recommend DSO/ModRuid2. http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/php/choosing-the-best-php-handler
OW-Ghost Jun 24 '17
Is FastCGI support at oxwall? I was thinking try enable FastCGI on my host but not sure my oxwall software likes it?

Stan Jensen
Stan Jensen Sep 30 '17
HAS THIS BEEN updated yet?  WOuld like to purchase it but do not run an outdated php.
Onur Jan 19 '18
my php version 7.13 and i actived it but it is not active panel. it is still writing "requirements" but i already actived APC.

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